Andrew McCarthy blames Comey for appearing in the media and conducting the Clinton and Trump investigation


Former US Deputy Attorney Andrew McCarthy said the country's biggest policemen had mismanaged their role in the 2016 presidential election and that former FBI directors should keep their opinions on ongoing investigations .

"There are a lot of things going on here that are very disturbing," McCarthy told Fox & Friends.

"The office was immersed in the 2016 election policy, whether it likes it or not because of the Hillary Clinton investigation (which) was a criminal investigation that was taking place right in the middle of the campaign it so there was no way to avoid it.

"The question is, since they got a bad hand, how did they play? I think they played pretty badly."


McCarthy, a contributor to Fox News, also called former FBI director, James Comey, for criticizing Trump on every occasion, and said it was reckless for Comey to "suggest that, since" 39; he was director of the FBI, he had a special knowledge "of what is going on inside the doors now.


"I do not think our intelligence chiefs, whether it's about Comey, Clapper or Brennan, suggest that, because of these positions, they possess special knowledge that they do not understand." they wish they could tell us everything, "McCarthy said.

That's after Comey described Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as not having a "strong character" on Thursday when he's on a CNN television channel.

"I think people like this one, like Rod Rosenstein, who are accomplished people but who do not have an exceptional character, a strong character, are trapped. And then, they start telling each other a story to justify their trapping: "Yeah, it's awful, but the country needs me," said Comey to host Anderson Cooper.

Cooper mentioned Rosenstein as Comey answered a question about an editorial he had recently written, in which he wrote that the president "eat your soul in small bites".

"Republicans do it in Congress. "Yeah, it's awful, but if I talk, I'll be defeated and this nation needs me here now." So they start making small compromises to stay in the team. Talk about collusion, say that's what I have to do to survive, and in doing so, they've devoured their souls, they're lost. So that's what happens to a lot of people, "said Comey.

Rosenstein was honored with a dispatch from the Justice Department on Thursday after handing out his resignation to President Trump last month. His departure is expected to come into effect on Saturday.


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