Penis enlargement surgery is a total scam, discovers a large study


In case of doubt, penis enlargement surgeries are usually ineffective and can cause psychological and physical damage to men, according to a new study.

The analysis, published in Sexual Medicine Reviews, examined 17 studies that evaluated 21 different types of operations used on penises of 1,192 men.

According to the study, the two most common types of interventions were the incision of the suspensory ligament (which involves separating the ligament that holds the penis to the pelvic bone and provide support during erections) and dermal filler injections.

As the Guardian pointed out, the study determined that many male penis enlarged men are victims of "quacks" and there is very little evidence showing that one or more the other of these procedures lead to the desired results.

On the contrary, these operations often result in "major complications, including penile deformity, shortening and erectile dysfunction" and 80% of patients remained dissatisfied, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience of King's College London. and Gordon Muir, urologist at King's Hospital & College.

"These procedures should almost never be done," Muir told The Guardian. "Often, the man ends up with a disfigured penis and there is no more than 20% satisfaction rating with regard to these procedures."

He added that the procedures can often cost between $ 40,000 and $ 50,000, and that many procedures are carried out by crooks who "attack these vulnerable men".

"Many men who wish to undergo a penis enlargement procedure have a medium sized penis but believe that their size is insufficient," Muir told The Guardian. "Unfortunately, some clinics seem to ignore it. Surgeons in the private sector should not do it. This is wrong at all levels.

The study concludes that people planning to expand their penises should first receive structured advice and that, if they still wish to grow their penis, they should try penis extenders, designed to stretch the penis over time. The devices are still debatable but are much cheaper and safer than surgery.


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