Andy Ruiz: A year ago, I wanted to leave boxing, I did not have any money


By Jesus Milano

Two weeks ago, Andy Ruiz was only one boxer among the many Mexicans who stand out in the world. But after eliminating Anthony Joshua to become the first heavyweight champion in Mexican history and captured the belts WBA, WBO, IBF, IBO, he was received in his country as a national hero.

Several tributes were received by Ruiz who, during one of the activities this week, arrived at the National Palace of Mexico for a guided tour and a meeting with the President of the country, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Although born in California, the Mexican blood flowing through the veins of Ruiz makes it another champion of the country. Ruiz went to Mexico to meet fans and the press and explained how he felt after the great feat that he made on June 1 in New York against Joshua, in addition to what this victory brought for his career.

"I'm happy, a year ago I wanted to leave boxing, I did not have money, but I did not want to live on the street," Ruiz said of his situation.

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As in all areas of life, you still need discipline and confidence to achieve greatness. Although, in his youth, he failed repeatedly, his father pushed him to stay in boxing and that led him here, at this historic moment.

"I was doing bad things with friends. Do things where my father had to pick me up at home and take me to training. But boxing has helped me not to be on the street or in bad neighborhoods. I am what I am thanks to boxing and my dad, "said the recent champion.

Raised with great values, the "Destroyer", as he is nicknamed, said that the most important thing was to help the family, telling his personal projects. I told him that I was going to give him everything. That I will pay everything, buy him a new car. Thank God, everything has changed. "

At the meeting with the president, he admitted his nervousness, but also assured that he felt very comfortable at the meeting with AMLO.

"I was nervous with the president. He was very proud. You can talk to him like an uncle, a parent, "he said.

Ruiz owns three of the four belts of the big organizations. He only has to capture that of Deontay Wilder and the Mexican said that he wanted to challenge him.

"I have to do the rematch first (against Joshua). Wilder is a good fighter, he hits hard. But step by step. One fight after another, "said Ruiz.


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