Anger at the critical post of the worker who eats on the train


WASHINGTON (AP) – A writer on the verge of publishing her first novel faces a violent reaction after posting a photo on Twitter of a transit worker eating on a train and sharing details from this woman to her bosses.

Natasha Tynes apologized a day later on Twitter and deleted her post before making her account private, but the publishing house that was distributing her novel left her and her publisher delayed the expected release of the book.

The reaction to Friday's post was almost immediate, people were unhappy that Tynes, a Jordanian American who ran as a "minority writer", would shame a black woman and possibly make her lose her job .

Tynes's message showed the woman wearing her work uniform eating on the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority train. The authority does not permit drinking or eating on trains and buses, although officials have advised the police to stop issuing tickets for these violations.

"When you're in the morning and you see a UNIFORM @wmata employee eating on the train, I thought we were not allowed to eat on the train. This is unacceptable. Hope @wmata answers, Tynes wrote.

When the authority's Twitter account asked for more information, Tynes responded with the time, the train, and the direction in which he was heading, the Washington Post reported.

Tynes "did something really horrible today by tweeting the picture of a subway worker having breakfast on the train this morning and drawing the attention of her employer. Black women face a constant barrage of this kind of inappropriate behavior and constant monitoring of their bodies, "said Tynes Publishing House, Rare Birds Books, in a statement.

California Coldblood, the Tynes Publishing House, also said: "We do not tolerate his actions and hope that Natasha will learn from this experience that black women feel the effects of systematic racism the most and that we must be allies and not oppressors. "

The publisher announced that he was postponing the publication of the Tynes novel "as we discuss the next steps to be taken to officially cancel it." The novel, "They call me Wyatt," talks about a murdered Jordanian student whose conscience ends up in the body of a man. little boy who, as an adult, tries to understand what happened with his death.

When the Associated Press called Tynes on Sunday, she replied "No thanks, I will not comment."

Metro's representatives did not answer the question of whether the employee should be disciplined.

An employee of the Metro Workers' Union said the woman was taking a meal break while moving from one job to the other.

Metro operators have "an average of 20 minutes to take a meal and go to their next point of access to make sure all buses and trains are up to the hour, safe and ready. to serve the public in the riding, "said Barry Hobson, chief of staff of the Metro Workers Union, Local 689 of the amalgamated Transit Union.

Hobson's statement referred to an e-mail sent Wednesday by the Metro Transit police chief, directing officers to stop writing tickets to avoid robberies, eating, drinking, spitting and playing music without a headset. at new order.

"Understanding this email, our operator was clearly not wrong," said Hobson's statement.


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