Anne McClain, NASA astronaut, expresses on the change of female exit in space



Anne McClain at a space event on ISS on March 22nd.


The excitement turned into disappointment this week when NASA announced that it had to mix astronaut missions, cleaning what would have been the first outing in the all-female space in the story. The reason: there would not be enough mid-sized space suit torsos available in time for the Friday event.

NASA astronaut Anne McClain, who just completed her first spacewalk at the International Space Station on March 22, pronounced Wednesday to defend the decision, saying that this decision was based on its recommendation.

"Leaders need to make tough calls and I'm lucky to work with a team that trusts my judgment – we must never accept a risk that can be mitigated," tweeted McClain. "The safety of the crew and the execution of the mission are a priority."

NASA astronauts Christina Koch and McClain were originally set to go together in the space void to continue their work on a project to upgrade the station's solar energy system batteries. Today, Koch and Nick Hague, NASA, will share Friday work outside the ISS.

McClain made the call after her first spacewalk when she decided that she would be more comfortable in a medium size suit than in a wide. It takes time for prepare a space suit well and only an average suit was ready to go, so Koch will wear it on Friday.

A third outing in the space planned on April 8 is tentatively scheduled for McClain and astronaut David Saint-Jacques of the Canadian Space Agency.

McClain had another tweeted message for people who are upset by the exit adjustments in the space: "Tune in – the story is made every day here!"

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