Another place of "instant death" found due to Fortnite Season 9


There have been some "instant death sites" last season due to the Unvaulting event, but the virus is back in Season 9 around Neo Tilted.

Season 9 of Fortnite Battle Royale 9 was abandoned on May 9th. It included the complete redesign of Tilted Towers and Retail Row, now Neo Tilted and Mega Mall, respectively.

The end of season 8 was marked by the destruction of sloped towers and Retail Row due to the eruption of the volcano and the projection of rocks on the map.

Prior to Season 9, the Unvaulting event caused the appearance of an instant death zone around Lake Loot, which was the epicenter of the event.

Another instant kill place was found around Neo Tilted, thanks to this clip posted on the site FortniteBR subreddit.

New instant destruction site outside Neo-Tilted from r / FortNiteBR

The clip shows the player who opens a reserve, then tries to slide into the mountain to chase booty, but is then eliminated suddenly.

Players have found different places of "instant death" around Fortnite for a while, but it's rare for a person to appear so early in a new season.

Although Season 9 has received positive feedback from the casual community, the community of competitors has been frustrated by things like the inconsistency in the damage caused by the new shotgun.

We expect Epic to fix these bugs and errors with the next fix, v9.10, which should be available next week by May 14th.

What was your favorite part of Fortnite Battle Royale Season 9? Let us know in the comments below or by tweeting us on Twitter at @FortniteINTEL.


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