Another record day for COVID-19 in Alaska: 745 new infections reported on Saturday


A big bump with yellow dots
A scanning electron micrograph shows a (green) cell heavily infected with (yellow) particles of SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. (National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases)

State health officials reported 745 new cases of COVID-19 on Saturday among residents of Alaska and non-resident visitors to the state. This is a new high number of cases reported during a day in Alaska, and a significant jump from the previous high, reported last weekend.

Alaska Public Media and KTOO spoke with officials from seven state hospitals this week and all expressed concern about the state’s health system’s ability to handle the growing number of COVID-19 cases.

RELATED: Across Alaska, as pandemic sends more staff home, hospitals brace for the worst

And a growing number of hospital workers are sick or in quarantine. At the same time, more and more coronavirus patients are filling hospital beds. Currently, between suspected and confirmed patients carrying the virus, 106 people are in hospital with COVID-19 infections. That means one in 10 patients in Alaska hospitals has COVID-19.

The majority of cases reported today are residents of Anchorage. Providence Alaska Medical Center, which is the state’s largest hospital, said Friday that in response to the recent increase in cases, it had acquired a refrigerated trailer to be used as a temporary mortuary, if needed.


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