Another study warns that drinking sodas and energy drinks every day can be deadly


Another study showed that regular consumption of non-alcoholic beverages – including soft drinks and energy drinks – could have a major impact on long-term health. The latest research was recently published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine where scientists detail their data analysis on a potential link between soft drink consumption and risk of death. The risk to health concerns sugary drinks and artificially sweetened drinks.

The purpose of the study was to examine the potential association between frequently consumed "non-alcoholic beverages", from soda to carbonated lemonade, and the risk of mortality. As part of their work, researchers analyzed data from more than 451,000 adult Europeans from 10 countries who participated in the European Prospective Investigation in Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study.

The latest study excluded participants with heart disease and cancer at the time of enrollment in the EPIC. Similarly, researchers excluded anyone whose food information was considered "unlikely" and those who did not provide information on soda consumption.

After analyzing the data for the remaining individuals, the study found higher all-cause mortality among people drinking at least two glasses of non-alcoholic beverages per day, including those who were sweetened with non-calorie sweeteners. . The study found that daily consumption of sugary drinks could increase the risk of digestive disease and that daily consumption of artificially sweetened drinks could be associated with an increased risk of circulatory disease.

In this case, a glass of soda was considered 8.5 oz, which corresponds to about a normal size can. The results indicate – as in a number of previous studies – that daily consumption of sodas and other soft drinks can pose serious health risks over the course of life.


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