Anthony Fauci Undermines FDA To Increase Vaccination Rates


Dr Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to Son Fraudulency Joe Biden, is running around dismissing the fact that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved the Chinese virus vaccines as “technical”.

Wait what?

No, he actually said that during a weekend appearance on ABC’s Sunday far-left show This week:

While Fauci said it was “understandable” that some might want full FDA approval before getting vaccinated, he dismissed it as nothing more than a “technical glitch.”

“It’s the FDA that dots the I’s and crosses the T’s,” he said during an appearance on ABC’s This week. “But there is no doubt in my mind that these vaccines are going to gain full approval because of the extraordinary amount of positive data.”

This is the continued pressure from the federal government to get everyone vaccinated. But in doing so, and not just as far as the FDA is concerned (which I will come back to below), the Biden administration only makes matters worse. Much worse. Here is the government’s new four-point plan to increase immunization rates:

  1. Ask the FDA to officially approve the vaccine.
  2. Send government envoys door-to-door to chat a bit with the unvaccinated.
  3. Push schools and businesses to impose vaccinations.
  4. Have our text messages checked (which is espionage).

How pathetic, desperate and fascist is that? Especially when Biden and Harris have done more than anyone else to undermine confidence in the vaccine.

During the campaign, the two said they did not trust Trump to provide a safe vaccine. Worse yet, months after the two were vaccinated with the * ahem * Trump vaccine, they continued to wear masks that said: This vaccine may not work as advertised.


Either way, items two through four in the above list won’t do anything substantial to increase vaccination rates. Instead, they will only create more resentment and distrust of the government and our institutions (which is a good thing). But it is the first item on this list that is of real concern.

In their desperation, the White House face of the pandemic – Fauci – is trashing and undermining the FDA, one of the few institutions Americans still trust.

A “technicality”, Tony?

Is that so?

A technicality?

Well if so, just one technicality suspends full approval of the coronavirus vaccine by the FDA, which raises many questions of concern, such as… What other potential life-saving vaccines and drugs are withheld due to an FDA technicality? How many people die because the FDA refuses – on a single technicality – to release something that could save their life?

Really, Tony, is that the message you want to send? That the FDA is so monstrously corrupt and / or bureaucratic that a simple technicality prevent lives from being saved?

Or is there another possibility?

Maybe the FDA isn’t delaying approval of the Chinese flu vaccine over a technical matter. Maybe the FDA is doing some significant due diligence. Perhaps…

Dr Fauci lies to us (again) to convince us to get vaccinated.

Dr. Anthony Fauci is not just a liar; he is an avowed liar, a man not only comfortable lying to the public for “the greater good”, but also a man comfortable admitting that he is lying.

So maybe the FDA isn’t some monstrous bureaucracy ready to see people die for some technicality. Maybe Fauci proves once more that he is a lost liar if it furtheres his cause of getting people to do what he wants, to comply.

Worst of all is that if and when the FDA approves these Chinese flu shots, thanks to Fauci, everyone will believe it was for political reasons, which will do nothing to increase confidence in the vaccine and increase vaccination rates. In fact, it will likely further undermine confidence, as people wonder why the vaccine could not be approved by normal means.

The damage Fauci does and does is incalculable. What a horrible little man he is.

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