Anti-vaccine dies from Covid after mocking ‘experimental vaccine’



An anti-vaxxer nightclub manager has died from Covid-19 after mocking people for receiving the ‘experimental’ vaccine.

David Parker, 56, died at Darlington Memorial Hospital in County Durham on Monday after contracting the virus.

He had no underlying health problem.

Mr Parker tested positive for Covid-19 just weeks after denouncing the vaccine and warning of a “big pharma” conspiracy in a number of Facebook posts.

In a Facebook post, Mr Parker, who spent a decade working as manager of Club Louis in North Yorkshire, shared an image of an anti-lockdown protest in London, writing ‘brilliant’ with an emoji who applauds.

Other articles included a meme poking fun at people posting pictures of their vaccine cards and an image of a man wearing a tin foil hat with a text written on it: “When you realize your paper hat aluminum contains less aluminum than a vaccine “.

According to the Daily Mail, Mr Parker once wrote: “I feel the need to post information here for people who are not getting another side of the story due to the media’s lack of impartiality.

“When research is done on who funds the media, it leads to pharmaceutical companies. Who knows who is right or wrong. If I’m wrong, I’ll raise my hand but I won’t be silent.

He also shared a link to a Facebook group called “The Unvaccinated Arms,” ​​which tells its 22,220 members not to use the words “Covid” or “vaccine” due to “restrictions and posts removed” by the platform. form of social media.

It is not clear whether Mr. Parker was a member of the group.

After his death, Mr. Parker’s family urges people to receive the jab.

Steve Wignall, a close friend of Mr Parker, told The Sun: “His family is devastated, they were very close and loved each other very much.

“But despite their terrible loss, they would like it to be known that they are encouraging everyone to get vaccinated, because they don’t want others to suffer the way they are now.”


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