Anti-vaxxer whose son caught measles said to have played "Russian roulette" with the health of a boy


A New Zealand woman who chose not to immunize one of her children was frank in explaining that her decision ultimately endangered her son's life.

Ally Edward-Lasenby told the radio station "The Hits" that she had chosen to vaccinate one of her children but not her son Cameron, who later caught measles and became seriously ill .

When radio presenters asked her why she had chosen not to vaccinate Cameron, Edward-Lasenby said that a "research" article stating that there was a link between vaccination and immunization was important. autism had influenced his decision.


The document that Edward-Lasenby was apparently referring to was published in The Lancet medical journal in 1997, but was withdrawn in 2010 because of its incorrect elements and ethical violations, among other reasons. Separate studies conducted after the initial publication of the report did not reveal a link between a vaccine and autism, ultimately defeating his claims.

"I took what I thought was an enlightened decision at the time," she said.

Cameron, son of Edward-Lasenby, later caught measles, an experiment she confided "would not wish anyone" and that could have been avoided if her son had been vaccinated against measles with the MMR vaccine .

After being diagnosed with the flu, Cameron's condition worsened rapidly, said Edward-Lasenby. He was suffering from a rash and conjunctivitis – common signs of measles.

"[The doctors] He peeked at him and said: "You can have him come to the hospital first or we can have an ambulance here," she said. said.

Once there, it was confirmed that Cameron had measles.

"I think it's important to vaccinate, we would not be in that position [if we had]. I played Russian roulette with the health of my son, which I am not proud of. "

– Ally Edward-Lasenby

"At first, he had white spots on his mouth," she said. "He had conjunctivitis. He was really sick. He continued to deteriorate and a rash appeared all over his body. Then they talked about brain damage – potential damage to the brain – as well as loss of life because it was very serious. "

Measles is a highly contagious virus that spreads in the air after an infected person coughs or sneezes. Others may contract measles when they breathe contaminated air or touch a contaminated surface, and then touch their eyes, nose, or mouth.

"Infected people can transmit measles to other people between four days before and four days after the onset of the rash," says the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

MMR vaccine can protect both individuals and others against the virus.

Young children are generally more likely to get measles. The CDC recommends that children receive two doses of the MMR vaccine, but the first dose is usually given to children aged 12 to 15 months, the second dose to children aged 4 to 6 years.


After being treated for measles, Cameron developed pneumonia, his mother said. As a result, he suffered a compromised immune system for months.

"He came and went from school regularly," she said.

"I think it's important to vaccinate, we would not be in that position [if we had]. I played Russian roulette with the health of my son, which I'm not proud of, "she added.


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