AOC and Elizabeth Warren team up on Steve Mnuchin following Sears bankruptcy


Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Elizabeth Warren want answers from Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin – and for once, it has nothing to do with President Trump's taxes.

The two powerful lawmakers on Thursday asked Mnuchin to explain his role in supposedly auto-aggression and dismantling operations of a billion dollars of assets at the retail giants. in trouble.

They suggest that this money man clearly says his role as a board member alongside his roommate in Yale, Eddie Lampert, who is accused of stealing essential assets while the once iconic department store falls bankrupt.

"We are deeply concerned about financial engineering and potentially illegal activities," they wrote to Mnuchin. "In addition, we are concerned that you, as Treasury Secretary, are in a position to take action that benefits Sears shareholders and owners at their expense, workers and taxpayers."

Mnuchin did not immediately respond to the request for comment. He had previously denied any wrongdoing.

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Trump's Loyalist, who challenged a congressional summons to file his tax returns, was a member of the Sears board when Lampert developed a series of suspicious transactions such as the split of the Land's End brand. and real estate of choice.

The looting left Sears himself on a more fragile financial ground. She declared bankruptcy in October, closing stores and laying off workers.

Sears sued Lampert, Mnuchin and other board members last month.

Mnuchin left the board and vowed to recuse decisions regarding Sears when he became Treasury Secretary. But AOC and Liz want more details on the exact decisions that he avoided taking part in and why.


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