Apex Legends is doing well, but Fortnite wants you to know that everything is fine


Fortnite has long gone beyond its inspiration, PUBG, to become the rare sensation that transcends the level of popularity that even the most popular games typically see. But he faces serious new competition to start 2019 with the release of Apex Legends, an excellent interpretation of the battle royal genre of Respawn Entertainment, developer of Titanfall. Epic Games wants you to know that Fortnite is fine, though.

After having published a lot of numbers on players, Apex has registered since its release (more than 25 million players and 2 million competitors during its first week), and some believe that this success will surely defeat that of Fortnite . Apparently, in response to this, Epic has released its own updated figures, revealing that Fortnite had its best all-time day in terms of the maximum number of simultaneous players (the number of players connected simultaneously) at the beginning of the month.

At the February 2 DJ Marshmello concert, Fortnite had 10.7 million players, the biggest day of the game to date. On Feb. 16, with 7.6 million players, Epic said it was the best event-free day of the game so far.

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All this would suggest that Fortnite is not fighting because of Apex. In an effort to dispel investor fears, many other gaming companies said Fortnite was developing the market, rather than just stealing players from other games. They would probably say the same thing about Apex, which will continue to grow with its very first Battle Pass in March and the newly added gun in Havoc.

That said, there is a caveat to keep in mind. Epic recently announced that you could win the next Season 8 Battle Battle Pass for free by completing new challenges on time. Some saw this as an attempt to stop the bleeding players lured by Apex by giving them the opportunity to avoid losing about $ 10 (or spending previously earned V-Bucks) to gain access to challenges and rewards This record on February 16 was the first Saturday in which overtime challenges were available, and it seems fair to assume that the Battle Pass freebie played a major role in this grand finale. day.

Whatever the reason for the free grant of the Battle Pass, it seems obvious that the desired effect is achieved. And whatever the size of the Apex, do not expect Fortnite to go in the near future.


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