The players of Apex Legends have discovered in the game an Easter egg that does not really look like the others.
Shortly after the release of Apex Legends on February 4, players discovered the first of the game's Easter eggs: the small "Nessy" statues on the card.
These Nessies are the result of a long series of Respawn Entertainment Easter eggs, also found in both Titanfall games. In Apex, if you find them all in King's Canyon, you'll even get a secret Easter egg that sees a giant Nessy appear in the water at the edge of the map.
The Nessies, however, are not the only Easter eggs in the game. One of them has a much darker origin than the Respawn joke.
In a corner of the market, located in the heart of the map, is a small figurine representing a black dog sitting on a cushion. At the front, there is a photo of a couple and behind the photo of the real dog to whom it is a tribute.
u / WiFilip
The couple is Jason McCord, lead designer of Respawn Entertainment, and his wife, and the dog is theirs, named Shadie. After the players discovered the shrine, McCord revealed that Shadie had died during the development of Apex Legends.
Shadie was our best friend and so I wanted her to live in this little corner of the map.
It makes me feel better to visit this region sometimes.
Thank you for reading!– Jason McCord (@MonsterclipRSPN) February 7, 2019
In tribute to his best friend, McCord had immortalized him in Apex. Shadie will be sitting forever with her owners, nestled in a little corner of what has quickly become one of the most popular games in the world.
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