Apple Insider corroborates the new ugly iPhone models


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Honorable attempts have been made made to embellish Apple remarkably new ugly iPhones& nbsp; who& nbsp; maybe your hopes have come true. But now is the time to rethink reality. & Nbsp;

New iPhone 11 and iPhone XR2 Molds Have Unnecessary Rear Camera Bumps

Mark Gurman

The always reliable Mark Gurman of Bloomberg is back after his iPhone 11 leaked features last week. And as promising as its internal sound, Gurman showed that outside, Apple was wrong. In a pair of tweets (1,2), he revealed new molds for iPhone cases that confirm our worst fears, as well as two new polarizing colors for the iPhone XR2. & nbsp;

The molds specify it. Apple installs indeed large square bump on the back of all new iPhones. The hump is the biggest of the sector and, while the iPhone 11 and the iPhone 11 Max (names to be confirmed) use it at least to house triple cameras (specifications here). The square hump will still be inexplicably used on the dual iPhone XR2 camera.

At this point, the new iPhones look less like those of Apple's design studio than those of Lego.

On the flip side, to make up for his bizarre camera style, Gurman says that Apple will introduce two new colors in the iPhone XR lineup: lavender purple and green. They will replace the current blue and coral finishes, but although subjective, the models (below) suggest that the decision is: division at better.

The color options of the Apple iPhone XR2 modeled from the Gurman leak


That said, with Apple's current iPhones currently engaged in a new battery scandal and with the new models just four months away, expect to see it yourself. My advice: save your money for Apple more exciting plans next year. The "iPhone XSS" range of 2019 looks like filling.


Follow Gordon on Twitter and Facebook

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Honorable attempts have been made made to embellish Apple remarkably new ugly iPhones that maybe you had your hopes. But now is the time to move to the new reality.

New iPhone 11 and iPhone XR2 Molds Have Unnecessary Rear Camera Bumps

Mark Gurman

The always reliable Mark Gurman of Bloomberg is back after his iPhone 11 leaked features last week. And as promising as its internal sound, Gurman showed that outside, Apple was wrong. In a pair of tweets (1,2), he revealed new molds for iPhone cases that confirm our worst fears, as well as two new polarizing colors for the iPhone XR2.

The molds specify it. Apple installs indeed large square bump on the back of all new iPhones. The hump is the biggest of the sector and, while the iPhone 11 and the iPhone 11 Max (names to be confirmed) use it at least to house triple cameras (specifications here). The square hump will still be inexplicably used on the dual iPhone XR2 camera.

At this point, the new iPhones look less like those of Apple's design studio than those of Lego.

On the flip side, to make up for his bizarre camera style, Gurman says that Apple will introduce two new colors in the iPhone XR lineup: lavender purple and green. They will replace the current blue and coral finishes, but although subjective, the models (below) suggest that the decision is: division at better.

The color options of the Apple iPhone XR2 modeled from the Gurman leak


That said, with Apple's current iPhones currently engaged in a new battery scandal and with the new models just four months away, expect to see it yourself. My advice: save your money for Apple more exciting plans next year. The "iPhone XSS" range of 2019 looks like filling.


Follow Gordon on Twitter and Facebook

More about Forbes

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