Apple iOS 15 is now available for download


By Samantha Murphy Kelly, CNN Business

Apple’s latest major software update, packed with features to help people focus better, connect with others on FaceTime, and track medical records, including vaccine status and test results , is now available for download.

While not a massive design overhaul, there are plenty of changes to come. iOS 15 reflect how our needs have changed during the pandemic. Apple first exhibited the new tools in June at its global developer conference and referenced some of them on stage last week IPhone 13 Launch Event.

Among the most important updates for iPhone and iPad users is FaceTime, a fitting nod to the time we’ve spent on video calls over the past 18 months. FaceTime Group mode now supports a grid view that allows users to see more faces at the same time and users to listen to music or watch Apple TV, Hulu, Disney + and stream other services together during a call. Android and Windows users can also participate.

Apple also added features like the ability to blur backgrounds on FaceTime and bring users into focus, similar to portrait mode for photos taken on iPhone.

During this time, For people still frequently glued to their screens, a new tool called Focus encourages users to select what types of notifications they want to receive, and from whom, at certain times of the day. For example, a user can set their phone to “work” mode and choose to only receive notifications from colleagues, emails and Slack messages. When other notifications are turned off, users can set a “do not disturb” automatic response for messages.

Apple is also doubling its digital wallet, which can now unlock doors and hotel rooms that support this technology. In a handful of states in the United States, people can add their driver’s license or state IDs or use them at airport security checkpoints.

The Health app now supports vaccine status and test results; Health care providers or US states can provide QR codes that can be downloaded and stored directly on the app. Health data sharing is also now available, so that a family member can better track and manage the health data or needs of a child or elderly parent.

Other notable updates to iOS 15 include the ability to pin messages to messages that users might not want to forget and a bunch of new security features, including one called “Privacy Protection.” Messaging “. The email app on Apple devices will hide users ‘IP addresses and their location, so businesses sending emails cannot link this information to other users’ online activity.

To download the new software, visit the Software Update section in Settings. However, the first release of next generation mobile software updates can often contain bugs; users may want to back up important photos or files before uploading them or wait until the second version rolls out probably in the coming weeks.

CNN Business’s Clare Duffy contributed to this report

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