Application Deadline for an Extended Energy Efficiency Project Grant | News, Sports, Jobs


Maui News

Hawaii Energy has extended the application deadline for its EmPOWER grant program to October 29.

The grant program is designed specifically for nonprofits and small businesses that pursue energy efficiency projects at their facilities to reduce energy use, increase resilience and ultimately lower their operating costs. . Applications are now available and eligible organizations can now apply for up to two grants per institution.

To be eligible for the EmPOWER grant, applicants must:

• Be the holder of a commercial scale account of an electric utility on the island of Lanai, Maui, Molokai, Hawaii or Oahu where the energy efficiency measure of electricity saving is installed.

• Fall into one of the following categories: 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, small businesses with electricity tariff “G”, small business with a facility of less than 5,000 square feet or a restaurant.

Organizations can apply for up to two grants per facility, up to a maximum of $ 5,000 each, which can cover 100% of eligible energy efficiency projects. Hawaii Energy encourages all applicants to submit their applications as early as possible, as funding is limited and application documents require additional correspondence with third-party contractors. Eligible expenses for the energy efficiency project include:

• New energy-efficient equipment eligible for a Hawaii Energy incentive.

• Parts, accessories and other materials required for installation.

• Labor for the removal of old equipment, site preparation and installation of energy efficiency measures.

• Shipping costs for equipment and materials.

• Taxes for the above items.

In addition to the EmPOWER Grant application, applicants must also complete and include a Hawaii Energy Business Incentive Application, IRS W-9 form, and obtain and include detailed quotes from one of Hawaii’s Clean Energy Ally contractors. Energy. Application documents and a full list of eligible equipment are available at HawaiiEnergy .com / for-business / empower-

to agree. A complete list of Clean Energy Ally contractors is available at amplifyincentives .com / HawaiiCEA / Search / FindMyContractor.

Grants will be released once all required documents have been submitted, verified and approved by Hawaii Energy.

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