Are vaccine exemptions easy? Look at the model of Oregon


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By JoNel Aleccia, Kaiser Health News

As measles outbreaks continue in the northwest and across the country, Oregon's newly released health records suggest that it is surprisingly easy to avoid mandatory vaccines in that state – as in many other countries. .

In Oregon, where the vaccine exemption rate for preschool children is highest in the United States, about 95% of parents whose children forget one or more vaccines use a personal printing certificate to do so .

According to data from the Oregon Health Authority, showing that out of more than 31,500 non-medical vaccine exemptions submitted last year, nearly 30,000 were documented by parents who viewed an educational video online and then printed a form to do yourself.

The second option was chosen by fewer than 2,000 people: talking to a health care provider and getting a signature.

The state, where 7.6% of kindergarten children were exempted from one or more vaccines during the 2017-2018 school year, applies since 2013 an instructional duty. for non-medical exemptions.

Mitch Greenlick, a Democrat who proposed a bill to eliminate exemptions for non-medical vaccines, criticized the online training module.

"It's obviously leaving too many people," he said.

The reason parents overwhelmingly choose the online option, said Dr. Saad Omer, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Specialist at Emory University in Atlanta: Convenience.


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