Are you crazy, brother ?: Steelers, Pirates, Ben Roethlisberger, Ben Cherington, Gerrit Cole feel the wrath of the fans


With the state of affairs surrounding the Steelers lately, it’s amazing how other sports made the cut for the “U mad, bro?”

But with a 101-game losing season and a soft-spoken GM who just can’t seem to answer a question directly, the Pirates have made the cut as well.

You are next, Penguins! Take advantage of being saved for another week.

James offered his most infuriating moment since losing the Steelers to Green Bay.

It was very funny. Unfortunately, I think if you count the yards Diontae Johnson traveled sideways or backwards, it was probably the third or fourth longest play of the entire season for the offense.

JediNite66 calls on Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger for his poor play on Sunday.

“Some” throws? If by “some” you mean about half a dozen that could have impacted readers or the dashboard, then yes. It is certainly “some”.

When Roethlisberger returned to play in 2021, he had to expect tough times with a new coordinator, a faltering offensive line and an unpredictable and inconsistent receiving squad.

I don’t think he expected a game like Sunday’s when the offense smelled bad, and he was the main reason.

Rick has a thought on all the recent mutual admiration between Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin and Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers. Is this a sign that Rodgers is laying the groundwork for an exit from Green Bay and leading the way to Pittsburgh?

Does that mean State Farm’s Jake is predestined as the next offensive coordinator? What does he think of passes from fourth held behind the line of scrimmage?

Harry wants to poke fun at Gerrit Cole’s two-set loss in the wild card game as his New York Yankees fell to the Boston Red Sox 6-2 on Tuesday.

Loser in the past. Losing in the present. Losing at supper time. “

Well, at least Cole made enough money this year ($ 36 million) to foot the tab for dinner. And if he’s a loser, what does it make of Mitch Keller, JT Brubaker, Wil Crowe, Chad Kuhl, or anyone else on the Pirates team?

Jeff is a Pirates fan who has had enough. He enjoyed my column asking how long the Pirates expect their fans to wait 100 losing seasons on behalf of the developing outlook.

I am 64 years old and I was born a Buc fan. I’m as loyal as they come, but even I am getting closer to the point of no return.

Nutting has played with the most loyal (fans) for too long. It’s to the point that I don’t like the team anymore, even though I know inside that it’s Nutting that I hate. Your question is very valid: how long will it take? Hope I can see it if this happens.

Jeff, I’m not going to be so daring to comment on your chances of witnessing a long streak of Pirates baseball wins.

But you, uh, said you were 64, didn’t you?

Well, I’ll just speak for myself. I am 47 years old. And I don’t feel too comfortable with my chances these days.

Finally, Mark from Ohio also wanted to weigh on this column.

“You can save this story and repost it in five years. The story will be the same. Maybe with a different GM but the same line of double talk and BS.

Psst, Marc. Don’t tell anyone. But that’s what I did in this room. You didn’t grab any “Huntington” references that I forgot to cut after pasting the name “Cherington”, did you?

Tim Benz is an editor for Tribune-Review. You can contact Tim at [email protected] or via Twitter. All tweets could be reposted. All emails are subject to publication, unless otherwise specified.


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