Arizona state lawmaker faces calls to resign after child sex abuse arrest


Republican Gov. Doug Ducey said in a tweet the allegations against Navarrete “are heinous” and that the Democratic lawmaker “should resign immediately”. Members of the Legislator’s party in the state legislature also called for his resignation, saying the charges “constitute an untenable distraction” from his service.

Navarrete was elected Arizona State Senator in 2018, representing Arizona’s 30th District, and was previously a State Representative.

He was arrested and jailed Thursday evening on multiple felony charges, including sexual interference with a minor, sexual abuse of children and attempted sexual interference with a minor. Phoenix Police Sgt. Andy Williams confirmed the charges to CNN in an email. The seven counts, Williams said, relate to alleged misconduct in 2019.

An alleged victim, now 16, said Navarrete repeatedly abused him while living in the same residence in Phoenix, from the age of 12 or 13 and up to age 15, according to the indictment filed in court. in Maricopa County.

Investigators say they made an audio recording Thursday of Navarrete apologizing to the victim.

“Otoniel told the victim he was not well,” according to the prosecution document. “Otoniel told the victim that nothing he had done was his fault.”

The victim suffers from anxiety and anger issues resulting from the alleged abuse, the charge document says.

The 13-year-old brother of the teenager also told police that Navarrete touched his upper leg, prompting the boy to slap Navarrete’s hand, according to the charge document.

Navarrete and his attorney, Roland Rillos, did not comment on the allegations during his initial court appearance, in which Maricopa County Superior Court Commissioner Steve McCarthy set the bond at $ 50,000.

Navarrete has not yet pleaded guilty. CNN has contacted Rillos’ office for comment.

After the appearance, Rillos said: “We have no public comment at this time, but we wish to stress the importance of the presumption of innocence in this matter,” according to the Arizona Republic.
Navarrete appeared electronically from isolation because he had revealed earlier in the week he had tested positive for Covid-19.
The Arizona Senate and House Democrats joined with the governor in calling for the senator’s resignation, claiming A declaration On Friday evening, “the circumstances and gravity of the felony charges that Senator Navarrete has faced constitute an unsustainable distraction from his role as election official and District 30 official.”

“Abuse of this kind is intolerable and our hearts go out to the victims. He should do the right thing for everyone involved and immediately step down from the legislature,” the statement continued.

CNN’s Kaylene Chassie contributed to this report.


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