Arizona: The number of cases of West Nile virus is increasing


PHOENIX – The number of cases of West Nile virus in Arizona has already exceeded that of last year and could increase by the fall, health officials said.

The Arizona Department of Health announced that there would be 27 West Nile cases (16 confirmed and 11 probable) in 2019, July 5, all in Maricopa County, where Phoenix is ​​located , press agencies reported Monday.

There were 24 cases in 2018, the department said. Mosquitoes carrying the virus are expected to persist until November, officials said.

"With so many cases in this early season, you can expect to see many more cases than last year and probably more than in the last five years," said Rebecca Sunenshine, Maricopa County. Medical Director of the Department of Public Health for Disease Control.

Up to 20% of people bitten by mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus develop flu-like symptoms, while fewer cases result in paralysis or death.

There is no cure, officials said. People aged 60 and older and those with compromised immune systems are at greatest risk for complications, including encephalitis and meningitis, officials said.

Chris Silva's other senior member, Karen, has been hospitalized since June 4 after flu-like symptoms. Then came meningitis and then the diagnosis of West Nile virus.

Chris now says that Karen has encephalitis, which is a swelling of the brain very little activity.

"She had flu-like symptoms and we brought her to the hospital as soon as you knew our worst nightmare was coming," said Chris.

"Be careful with the mosquitoes because none of us think about it, but a mosquito can do incredible damage and we had no idea."

The monsoon season in Arizona is also the busiest for the West Nile cases. Residents should remove stagnant water in places such as flowerpots to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs, said Jessica Rigler of Arizona Health Services.

Precautions must also be taken to prevent bites. "More and more infected mosquitoes and more and more of them mean that we have to wear insect repellents and clear water in our yards where mosquitoes can reproduce," said Sunenshine.

"The community really needs to take this seriously – the best I can say is protect you," Chris said.

If you want to know if you live in an area populated by mosquitoes or if your area has been recently treated for mosquitoes, the county of Maricopa has a map that details all these details.

Visit their website for more details.


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