As COVID rises on Alabama coast, vaccination clinics begin to draw crowds


Heather Lindsey had been hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine, worried about the unknown of a vaccine that has yet to gain full approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

But at the instigation of her daughter, a nurse at Thomas Hospital, Lindsey and her husband, Mark, and their 14-year-old son, Gage, went to the hospital’s fitness center on Wednesday and received the jab.

“We looked at each other and asked, ‘Did they do something? ”Said Mark Lindsey of Fairhope. “We didn’t feel anything.

The Lindseys are an example of what health experts hope unvaccinated Alabamians consider: contact a respected source, like a doctor or nurse, and talk about the vaccine.

In the coastal counties of Alabama, the situation is dire. Hospitalizations continue to rise and intensive care units are either close to full or above capacity in Mobile and Baldwin counties. Younger patients present to Thomas Hospital and elsewhere with COVID-19 infections. Positivity rates are over 30% in both counties, and health officials remain frustrated with the shortage of people vaccinated along Alabama’s Gulf Coast.

In Mobile County, a record 332 people were hospitalized with the virus on Tuesday.

“This is, for sure, the worst part of the COVID-19 pandemic for Mobile County,” said Dr Rendi Murphree, epidemiologist and director of disease surveillance at the Mobile County health department. . “We don’t see any stabilization. “

Urgent advocacy

Tragedies also occur. In Robertsdale, city officials mourned the death of Officer Maurice “Reese” Jackson on Wednesday. The 29-year-old man died of symptoms related to COVID, but it was not clear if he had been vaccinated.

“Since Maurice passed away from the virus, I strongly suggest that anyone with the possibility of getting vaccinated to do so,” Robertsdale Mayor Charles Murphy said at a press conference.

Baldwin County Sheriff Huey “Hoss” Mack, who was fully vaccinated in January, is recovering from a recent COVID-19 infection. He said he was suffering from mild symptoms and hopes to return to work in a day or two.

He also encourages people to get vaccinated.

“I am convinced that if I had not been vaccinated my symptoms would have been worse,” said Mack, a Republican. “I strongly recommend that in this latest revolutionary variation, anyone who has not been vaccinated consider vaccination.”

Other politicians in the Alabama Coastal GOP are also pushing for people to get vaccinated.

“People need to go talk to their doctors,” State Senator Chris Elliott, R-Daphne said. “I support individual freedom and the right of people to support their health care outcomes. But talk to your doctors and make the right decision for you and your family. I think you will find that most people, if they trust their healthcare provider, (will find) that the vaccine is appropriate for them.

He added: “Don’t listen to a politician, sports celebrity or neighbor. Go talk to a doctor.

Vaccination rates in southern Alabama remain below the state average of 34.5%, which is tied for the nation’s lowest with Mississippi. Mobile County’s rate is 31%, while Baldwin County’s rate is 31.7%. In Baldwin County, 41.4% of residents received at least one dose of the vaccine, while 38.7% in Mobile County did so.

The neighboring rural counties are even lower. In Escambia County, only 28.8% are fully vaccinated. Covington County’s comprehensive vaccination rate is 24.5%.

“Vaccination rates are low and we are paying the price,” said retired Dr James Daniell, who helped administer the vaccines at the clinic at Thomas Hospital. “The more people who are not vaccinated, the easier it is for the virus to mutate and create more problems in more people. The only way to stop this is to get more people vaccinated. This is what we are trying to do.

Vaccination clinics

Mobile County Vaccination Clinic

A COVID-19 vaccination clinic was held on Monday, August 2, 2021 at the Robert Hope Community Center in Mobile, Alabama. The Mobile County Health Department has held numerous vaccination clinics in recent weeks as the region continues to encourage vaccinations in the face of rising infections. in an area of ​​the country where the vaccination rate is low. (John Sharp/[email protected]).

Indeed, the vaccination clinics that take place throughout the county have seen interest in recent days. In Orange Beach, a clinic organized by Brett / Robinson Vacation Rentals attracted more than 50 people including 30 employees and 20 members of the public during a three-hour clinic. The Alabama Department of Public Health helped oversee it.

Incentives are also in play. Eastern Shore Toyota holds raffles every week to give out $ 1,000 to those newly vaccinated. The first draw will take place on Monday and subsequent draws will take place every week for the next 10 weeks.

One-off clinics are also hosted by the Mobile County Health Department and in Baldwin County. The Lindsey family attended a “back to school” clinic at the Thomas Hospital Fitness Center in Fairhope, which drew more than 200 people in the first four hours. Mobile County will host a similar clinic from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday in Eight Mile.

“It’s much more than we expected,” said Dr Jessica Kirk, medical director of pediatrics at Infirmary Health. “He absolutely exceeded our expectations. “

Kirk said she thought it helped people see “role models” in their communities getting vaccinated, such as their personal doctors and pediatricians. She said a majority of vaccine-hesitant told her they were concerned their children were taking a relatively new vaccine. According to state statistics, only 3.8% of Alabama residents between the ages of 12 and 18 have been vaccinated. Vaccines have not yet been authorized for children 12 and under.

“We have a lot of hope between masking and vaccination, we will reduce those numbers,” Kirk said.

She said she was “thrilled” to see the Baldwin County school system implement an indoor mask requirement for students in grades 2 and up until September 10. Schools in the city of Gulf Shores may consider a similar mask-wearing requirement when its school board meets at 4 p.m. on Thursday.

“My own children attend Fairhope public schools and I intended to have them wear masks,” Kirk said. “It’s a lot easier for me as a parent (to do this) if everyone is just covering up.”

A certain setback could happen. The Baldwin County Common Sense Campaign snack plans to oppose the mandate and will discuss the issue before the next Baldwin County School Board meeting later this month.

Everyone at the Thomas Hospital clinic wore masks during the vaccination, including Kirk’s stepdaughter Morgan Johnson.

Kirk was there to watch Johnson get his vaccine and was all smiles to watch it happen.

“We couldn’t be more thrilled,” Kirk said.


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