As OC deploys massive coronavirus vaccination effort, vaccine supply questions remain


As Orange County officials continue to promote a broad coronavirus vaccination program, questions remain on how many doses will actually go into the county from state allowances.

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State public health officials have yet to answer questions about a timeline or potential schedule of the number of expected CO doses.

Governor Gavin Newsom did not have a clear answer at a press conference on Friday.

“Our resolution is to have all existing doses administered in this condition as quickly and efficiently as possible. And we still have a lot of work to do in this space, ”Newsom said, adding that the state has received around 3 million doses.

“We have hundreds of thousands more that we plan to receive,” Newsom said, but did not say when the vaccines would arrive.

Meanwhile, county health official Dr Clayton Chau said the county is trying to set up five vaccination supersites in the county with the hope that each site will vaccinate 8,000 people per day – a total of 40,000 people once the OC can obtain the necessary vaccine stocks.

That’s 280,000 doses needed per week to make the sites fully operational.

Disneyland was the first of five locations to open this week as part of an elaborate public relations rollout.

Yet the website and mobile phone app used by Orange County to register people for vaccinations, Othena, has been in accidents overloaded servers due to high demand from residents and people who work in OC.

Although the registration site and app were sporadically down throughout the week, they were up and running again by Friday morning.

Questions and concerns have been raised by some people with disabilities who cannot make it to Disneyland to get vaccinated.


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