Ashish Jha explains why he’s worried about the spread of the UK variant


Dr Ashish Jha said on Monday that the United States was “on the road to recovery” from COVID-19, but there are still some “obstacles”.

One of the most important is the variant of the virus first detected in the UK, B.1.1.7, which spreads easier and faster than other strains.

So far, 690 cases of the variant have been detected in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which warned B.1.1.7 could become the dominant source coronavirus infections in the country in March. Seven cases have been confirmed to date in Massachusetts, according to the CDC.

Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, said Monday the United States is seeing positive trends, including lower infection rates and hospitalizations. He also expects vaccines to be “plentiful” by the end of spring.

“I’m optimistic for the end of spring and summer,” Jha wrote on Twitter. “But worried for the next two months.”

The doctor pointed to data from Ireland and Germany which illustrates how B.1.1.7 can “quickly overwhelm a nation”. Ireland, he noted, used a lockdown to control peak infections in October. But as the British variant began to circulate, the country experienced “exponential growth”, seeing its number of cases multiply more and more in three weeks. The country has entered a complete lockdown at the end of December.

At its peak in early January, Ireland recorded 132 new cases per 100,000 population, according to Jha – a rate the United States has never seen.

Our vacation ‘wave’ was small in comparison, ”Jha wrote.

As it stands, Jha estimated that “maybe” 2 percent of COVID-19 infections in the United States are caused by the UK variant.

“But we don’t know because we still don’t do enough genomic monitoring,” he wrote. “So most public health experts expect a B117 spike. But we can avoid a horrific spike that flattens our hospitals and kills tens of thousands. “

To prepare for and prevent such an outbreak of the variant, the United States must “dramatically step up” genomic surveillance to find the strain.

As soon as infections start to spread, action must be taken quickly to stem the spread, he said.

“Our vaccines will work against B.1.1.7,” Jha wrote. “And they will lessen the effects on people at high risk if we can put them to the guns quickly enough.” Today’s analysis shows that B117 will become widespread in the United States. But he doesn’t need to flatten us. We have the tools to beat it. “

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