Aspen Daily News editor speaks at reproductive rights rally


This July, NPR updated its code of ethics for journalistic impartiality. They said that engaging in “civic, cultural and community activities is good”. But “don’t sign, defend, or donate.” “

This policy differs from the New York Times and many other media outlets that do not allow any activity that could cast doubt on a journalist’s neutrality.

On October 2, Aspen High School students staged a protest against a new law in Texas that bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. Aspen Daily News editor-in-chief Megan Tackett spoke at the event on the history of women’s rights and reproductive rights. But she said she wasn’t there to represent her journal.

“I had a hard time figuring out if I should compete for that title today,” Tackett said. “So often these days I mostly identify with my job. And journalists generally do not attend events. They document them. But when a young woman I came to admire asked me to speak at an event she was hosting, I remembered even more than my job, I identify as a woman. .

Many newspapers and radio stations approach this border differently. Journalist Halle Zander spoke with Tackett to discuss his speech and how it will impact his reporting going forward.


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