Assassin's Creed VR & Escape Room & # 39; s is more spectacular than the puzzle


Screenshot: Ubisoft

Ubisoft has a new "VR escape room" in the world of Assassin's Creed that you can play at more than 100 different locations around the world. It's fun, but despite its declared links with "escape rooms", Beyond the door of Medusa is more of a one-hour action game than virtual reality than a cooperative puzzle.

The first virtual reality escape game from Ubisoft has been called Escape the lost pyramid, who linked with Assassin's Creed Origins; this one, located in a cave on the shores of ancient Greece, is linked to Odyssey. Two or four players are locked together in the cave and must team up to meet various challenges.

The equipment in the room seems to be a pretty standard facility; the site we visited in San Jose, California, had a small room with a desktop computer mounted on a wall shelf and HTC Vive with motion controllers attached to it, via wires suspended from the ceiling for ( in large part) stay out of your way. That's probably why they can move so quickly to 100 different locations around the world, but it's also less exciting than what's in the Shinjuku Virtual Reality Zone, where you can play with custom installations based on virtual reality. controllers and other items you could not get at home.

Screenshot: Ubisoft

You begin with a basic tutorial. You can walk around the area enclosed by the walls of the IRL room where you are and teleport to the virtual world to make larger movements. You can manipulate objects with your hands, which you will learn by customizing your character's avatar in a dressing room with a mirror. The other players are also working on it, and you can dress while having fun with them.

Once everyone is ready, you enter the old, reliable animus and get a brief overview of your mission to find an old ship and take it out of the cave. You must then proceed to a series of very simple puzzles: you must first get out of a small room, which you can do very quickly by manipulating some objects inside, like a burning inferno. and switches on the walls. Then you have to find a way to open another door by manipulating three switches and an image composed of rotating disks (a nice reminder to Assassin's Creed IIPuzzles).

It's a simple puzzle, and they do not get any harder. It's just about manipulating objects with a clear purpose and very little chance that you're doing bad things. In fact, much of it was based on the action, such as shooting arrows at targets or climbing through a series of handles on a surface that another player was manipulating remotely.

The focus is on teamwork; almost all tasks require at least two people to complete them. But the way they work tends to be asymmetrical, one player playing the role of "fun" while the other doing the "boring" gesture. Just by coincidence and where I was walking when we were playing with challenges, I always ended up doing the "boring" thing. My partner was always the one who used handles to hang more than 100 feet of drops while I stayed on the floor to make sure these handles were still active. (I am wary with these descriptions so as not to spoil the experience of potential players.) I might have felt better in this experiment if the design had allowed both players to experience both. half of each puzzle.

As a VR show, Jellyfish door it's pretty cool As you sink deeper and deeper into the cave, you discover many larger-than-life secrets that can be pretty awesome to live with a friend. Once everything is finished and you go out, the game takes you "in photo", and I'm happy to announce that we had the present spirit to do it:

Jellyfish door I did not really feel like I had just played in an "escape room"; the riddles were too simple, rather like sorts of basic things that are not alike. to find in … well, a series of triple-A action-adventure video games in which a "stuck" player is considered an unforgivable design sin. If you do not have a room-scale VR setup at home and just want to pay about $ 50 for an hour of research, you might want to try this; otherwise, you should simply stick to the sorts of real escape rooms.


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