Astronauts alarmed by massive fires on Earth’s surface


“We were very saddened to see fires over huge sections of the Earth, not just in the United States.”

Earth in flames

It’s no secret that our planet literally is and figuratively on fire right now.

In fact, some wildfires are so large that they can now be easily spotted from space – an unfortunate prospect of what could be our impending doom.

During a recent call with Initiated, NASA astronaut Megan McArthur described the grim experience of being parked aboard the International Space Station with the Earth boiling below.

“We were very saddened to see fires over huge sections of the Earth, not just in the United States,” McArthur told the outlet.

She also took the opportunity to call for action.

“For many years, scientists around the world have sounded the alarm bells,” she said. Initiated. “This is a warning to the entire world community. The entire world community will have to face them and meet these challenges.

Forest fire season

Satellite images show huge areas of the entire planet engulfed in clouds of smoke of astronomical proportions, from Siberia to Greece, and Spain to the Pacific Northwest.

Turkey has been particularly hard hit this year, as evidenced by videos of vacationers cleaning up beaches as fires rage in the background.

Some, like the Bootleg Fire in southern Oregon, are so huge they create their own abnormal weather conditions. The United States is even struggling to recruit enough firefighters.

Last week, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a shocking report declaring “code red for humanity.”

To see this disappearance several hundred kilometers above the surface of the Earth must be shocking to say the least.

READ MORE: Astronauts say they are saddened to watch the climate crisis from the space station: “We can see all these effects from here” [Insider]

Learn more about forest fires: There are so many wildfires the United States cannot find enough firefighters


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