Auburn Woman warns she saw her grandfather’s aide die after COVID vaccine – CBS Sacramento


AUBURN (CBS13) – The Placer County Sheriff’s Office announced on Saturday that a person tested positive for the virus in late December and died hours after receiving the vaccine on Thursday.

Now there are questions from the community about the safety of the vaccine. An Auburn woman says she witnessed the tragedy firsthand.

In a Facebook post, she said she saw help from her grandfather, a 56-year-old man, get vaccinated at a retirement home on Thursday.

“Twenty minutes later he realized his legs were tingling and he was short of breath. He was taken in an ambulance… 1 hour later he was in intensive care on a ventilator and three hours later he passed away, ”she wrote.

She goes on to say, “Hearing this broke my family [sic] heart because he took care of my grandfather for years, and was there to help us as we came to say our goodbyes.

Dr Jeffrey Klausner, an infectious disease expert at UCLA, said there had not yet been any deaths associated with the vaccine. Klausner said people shouldn’t be so quick to blame until there are answers on a cause of death in this case.

He says if a person develops an allergic reaction within 15 minutes of taking the vaccine, the reaction could be fatal.

Meanwhile, the county coroner performs an autopsy to determine the cause of death and the sheriff’s office does not confirm the age, sex, location where it happened or the vaccine they received. .

Dr Klausner said there have been some allergic reactions to the vaccine, including difficulty breathing or fainting, which can occur within 15 minutes of receiving the dose. But he says the risk is low – about 1 in 250,000 hits.

Several agencies are investigating, including the California Department of Health.

Dr Mark Ghaly, secretary of the California Agency for Health and Human Services, admitted on Monday that they were investigating, but also pointed out that the overwhelming majority of people who received Modern and Pfizer vaccines had no significant reaction.

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