Human ‘animals’ another endangered species


Tamara Dean's new series, Endangered has a painterly quality as it shows the fragility and beauty of human mammals.

Tamara Dean’s new series, Endangered has a painterly quality as it shows the fragility and beauty of human mammals.Credit:Tamara Dean

“The state of our environment is incredibly dark and shocking,” Dean, a multi award-winning artist and former Sydney Morning Herald photographer, said.

“Human beings are beautiful creatures, as are the other animals on the planet. I wanted to create a sense of vulnerable beautiful beings but also really making the point that we are not immune to the effects of climate change.”

And while Dean was “devastated” to learn just how dire is the threat facing our natural systems, she also came away from the trip with a sense of hope that so many scientists and business people are working on solutions.

“The world’s brightest minds are trying to catalyse change,” she said. “We can see that through international unity – when we all work together – we can start to turn the tide.”

Tamara Dean's new series, Endangered has a painterly quality as it shows the fragility and beauty of human mammals.

Tamara Dean’s new series, Endangered has a painterly quality as it shows the fragility and beauty of human mammals.Credit:Tamara Dean

A preview of Endangered will be on show at Martin Browne Contemporary, Paddington, until November 21

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