Andrew Forrest accused the government of orchestrating the largest decline in marine protection ever undertaken while investing $ 100 million to save the world's oceans.
Speaking aboard the recently acquired Pangea Ocean Explorer family, a state-of-the-art deep-sea marine research vessel, Forrest warned that the nation "is losing sight of its responsibility to sustainably manage the vast seas under Australian control" .
"We must recognize, from a recreational and commercial point of view, not only environmental, that caring for our oceans is a vital duty we owe to our children and grandchildren," he said. -he declares. Doctor in Marine Ecology at the University of Western Australia and has been studying ways to invest and help improve marine sustainability and conservation over the past two years.
He will also create a global fishing index to expose the countries that fish their marine resources.
The initiative adds $ 400 million committed by Mr. Forrest and his wife Nicola to fund a series of causes that extends to end the indigenous inequality in finding a cure for the cancer and put an end to modern slavery.
Blaming the Government
Mr. Forrest has attacked the government's marine park management plans, disagreeing with Fortescue Metals' group chairman with federal Minister of Energy and the Environment, Josh Frydenberg.
The plan maintains existing boundaries for marine parks, which cover 36% of Commonwealth waters, but enhances areas within boundaries to allow for a range of activities other than conservation.
"We open marine parks by other countries, by industrial fishing factories and it seems that there is no reason to do so," Forrest said.
"We know from science that marine parks are the largest aggregator and propagator of fish, why would you close them while it is our future source of fish for this generation and others to come? "
" I ask the Australian government to take a break and think about it and I ask the Greens and the Opposition not to point the finger at marine parks. In a statement, Frydenberg said five new management plans covering 44 Australian marine parks that came into effect on July 1 meant that Australia was actively managing the second largest network of marine protected areas in the world.
"Management plans have a wide range of support, including locally in Western Australia from RecFish West and the WA Fishing Industry Council, in finding the right balance between conservation, recreation and economic development." Mr. Frydenberg
The Greens push a motion of disavowal to kill the plans of the Marine Park.
million. Forrest said that wild fishery catches in Australia have dropped by 30 percent in recent years and continue to fall.
He said that partial park protection was like suggesting partial badual protection when one hoped for complete protection. In other words, it would not work.
"Australia leads the world in many areas of ocean research and conservation, but there is so much to do once we realize the disastrous shape of our oceans. [marine park] to abandon the Australian tourism and recreation sectors by opening up our marine parks to aggressive and unsustainable industrial fishing. "
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