It is alleged that Mr. Rogers put a pillow on his wife's face, smothered her, and then tried to take her life. She pleaded not guilty to murder but guilty of manslaughter.
Ms. Williams testified that Mr. Rogers' crime was motivated by anger and jealousy, and that she wanted to avoid a "redistribution" of her family's property.
A jury of six men and six women heard that Mrs. Rogers was expected at an event on September 13 to celebrate her father's birthday and when she did not arrive, her siblings were contacted the police. In the afternoon, after hearing cars idling in the garage, they asked for help after seeing blood on the floor.
They followed a trail to the room, where they found Mr. Rogers in the tub and his bed.
million. Rogers was taken to hospital in critical condition, where he told the police that he and his wife had a "big argument" and that she "was causing all their problems because she had an affair with someone else ". 19659004] He later claimed his wi She had asked him to kill her.
Ms. Williams said that Mr. Rogers told a psychiatrist that his wife had kicked him twice during their fight, which "discouraged him". He could not remember the very act of killing her but had the impression that "the devil was at my side"
The defense attorney, Richard Pontello, said that It was a "tragic" break from a 40-year marriage. . "srcset =" https://static.ffx.io/images/$zoom_0.415%2C$multiply_0.9735449735449735%2C$ratio_0.666667%2C$width_378%2C$x_0%2C$y_36/t_crop_custom/t_sharpen%2Cq_auto % 2Cf_auto / 1d18ed552c58240cbb0f1a8653e5245a0e4f1428 "itemprop =" picture "/> Anne Rogers. Photo: Delivered
He said that his client was a loving husband and a" real family man "who" for all but one day of his 69 years, lived with the highest degree of integrity and love for him. "
Mr. Pontello stated that Mr. Rogers became" very depressed "in July 2016 when he learned about his wife's relationship, but he wanted to come to terms with her and loved her" most of all "
that Mr. Rogers committed the act causing death, "said Mr. Pontello.
"You have heard him plead guilty to the manslaughter of his wife."
"However, the defense is one in which Mr. Rogers committed this act – the death of his wife, his ability to control himself was drastically altered by an anomaly in the mind … namely the major depressive disorder that he suffered. "
In a conversation secretly recorded by the police while 39, he was in the hospital, his stepson, "I just cracked mate … I do not know why I did it."
The trial continues before the judge Julia Lonergan.
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