Austin-Travis County Businesses Prepare for Stage 4


At first glance, it was a typical Austin summer day, but the hustle and bustle around the city wasn’t all fun and entertaining.

A spike in COVID-19 cases was increasing and even for the average person it was something hard to ignore.

“Actually my sister who’s in Arkansas has COVID right now, her and her husband, so I think it was a huge wake-up call, even if you get more lax on the mask just seeing the case increasing that makes you much more careful, ”said Kathleen Shaw.

For local health officials, the increase in cases linked to the highly contagious Delta variant should mean something more: an increase in COVID-19 protocols, from stage 3 to stage 4 recommendations.

“I hate that we talk about the virus. I hate that we, again, keep our eyes on the dashboard to see what is happening on a daily basis with hospitals. I hate it, but one thing is clear: we don’t can’t pretend you’re made with a virus that’s the one made with us, ”said Mayor Steve Adler.

For fully vaccinated people like Deonta Nathan, the change means her next gym workout could be scaled down and performed in a mask. “It worked for a year and a half, so yeah, I guess so. I just breathed fresh air again, so yeah, a little disappointed, but whatever safer,” Nathan said.

For those fully vaccinated, the recommendations in Step 4 call for the use of a mask at outdoor and indoor events, when dining and shopping, and even at private meetings. Those who are partially vaccinated or who have not been vaccinated, it is suggested to stay at home, not to travel and only leave for something essential like groceries.

This ramp-up won’t require a shutdown, but several business owners who spoke to FOX 7 say it might require a familiar pivot.

“I refuse to panic, I’m not panicking at all,” said Dimple Hegger, who owns a small cafe with her husband in northwest Austin.

Hegger says their recipe for the last stop involved baking pies and going from restaurant to restaurant. “So I think we can survive again, as far as it is, because he goes to all the car dealerships, he delivers the food, and he delivers the pies, and all the goods, so that’s what. which kept us going when it first happened, ”Hegger says.

For retailers, the loss of a block of customers, the people who stay away because they are not vaccinated, could potentially be a bigger hit. Managers of a jewelry store say they have survived so far by attracting people online.

“We combine this with private viewing appointments so things are more scheduled and we can do it between clients,” said Sirandyna Wayne.

“We know the most important thing is to get vaccinated. The second most important thing is to wear a mask. We also need to protect the community and that means those of us who are vaccinated now have to do our part. to stop the spread of this virus now that the Delta variant is with us, ”said Mayor Adler.

“We just thought it was in the best interests of all of our customers and staff to go ahead and start demanding masks for everyone again,” said John T. Kunz, owner and president of Waterloo Records on Lamar.

Kunz says his company has just started forcing all customers to mask themselves again due to the rise in COVID cases.

“I just went from thinking we were all safe once vaccinated to finding out that wasn’t necessarily the case and that I didn’t want a member of my staff or my vaccinated clients to walk away from these. events and find out they had covid on the road, ”Kunz said.

He says few customers have complained so far.

“There wasn’t as much of a step back as I thought. In fact, there were tons of people saying thank you,” Kunz said.

As part of the move to stage 4, health officials are also urging all children over two to wear a mask.

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