Australian scientist: Fly sausage is an alternative to meat


Some people are already discussing the types of meat that are found in sausages, but this idea may turn your stomach.

And not in a good way.

An Australian scientist believes that insects such as maggots can be incorporated into food products such as sausage instead of meat.

Scientist and professor Louwrens Hoffman, of the University of Queensland in Brisbane, said the livestock industries would ultimately be unable to meet global demand for meat. It is therefore unavoidable to find another source of protein.

This is where insects come on the scene.

"An overpopulated world will struggle to find enough protein if people do not want to open their minds and stomachs to a much broader notion of the food product," Hoffman told What's New in Food, an industry publication Australian food. "Do you want to eat a commercial sausage based on maggots?

"What about other insect larvae and even whole insects like grasshoppers? The greatest potential for sustainable protein production is in insects and new plant sources. "

The Queensland Agriculture and Food Innovation Alliance team seeks to appeal to the palates of the Western Hemisphere by hiding insects in prepared foods. This is because previous studies have shown that people refuse to eat whole insects, Hoffman said.

Hoffman said that insect proteins should act as an ingredient in food products, such as a "very tasty insect ice cream" created by one of his students.

Hoffman suggested that there are other sources of sustainable protein, such as kangaroo meat. He added that kangaroos did not need grasslands to graze.

Scientists are also experimenting with chickens supplementing their normal diet with black fly larvae, which Hoffman says is "more sustainable, ethical and green" than current cereal crops.

Although Westerners may think that eating insects is a bad thing, it's already part of the diet of millions of people around the world, Hoffman said.


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