100 additional men and new unit planned «DiePresse.com


Interior Minister Herbert Kickl (FPÖ) wants to strengthen the constitutional protection of 100 men and build a new unit within the BAT. This comes out of an internal document on the reconstruction of the BVT, which the "mail" quoted Saturday. The start date is July 1, 2019.

Unlike initial announcements, it is expected that state security investigations will no longer be transferred to the Federal Criminal Police Office, but will be integrated into a separate unit of the BVT. This could also be a number of high level positions being the subject of a new call for tenders, alleged observers.

The Director General of Public Security, Michaela Kardeis, confirms the redevelopment plans and the information that approximately 100 additional men are admitted. Kardeis speaks about a "further development of BAT", being implemented. "There were some variations and the result is: the separation, yes, but also within the BAT for reasons of employee acceptance," said the Director General about the "courier service".

Kardeis responded to fears that the reform would require all BAT employees to have a selection procedure: "We are not talking about all the positions here, you have to look at each job individually". Depending on the legal situation, jobs may be subject to a new call for tenders if there is 25% change in the workplace and, from 50%, it must even happen.

NEOS warns against staining

Watch out, Stephanie Krisper, spokeswoman for NEOS for Home Affairs, reacted to plans announced by Interior Minister Herbert Kickl (FPÖ) to reform the BAT. "If the FPÖ Home Minister rebuilds himself, the rule of law will be seriously threatened by the rule of law." The head of the SPÖ faction on the BVT-U committee, Jan Krainer, is also worried about the bad news. He even talked about a "blue stasi".

Krisper fears that BAT will work for the safety of citizens, but in the FPÖ's interest. "In no region is Chancellor Kurz called upon to be a gardener, and he is asking his Interior Minister to slow down at last," said the pink deputy.

"They are actually a secret intelligence service – with people who choose them – it will be a kind of FPÖ intelligence service," Krainer said in the "mail". "We wonder if this is legally possible on the basis of the State Protection Act and we wonder if the ÖVP really wants to see Minister Herbert Kickl build a blue Stasi."


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