10,000 Frontex police officers by 2020 is the goal – News


Interior Minister Herbert Kickl (FPÖ) today welcomes the informal meeting of EU Justice and Home Affairs Ministers and the Eastern Partnership in Innsbruck.

While breakfast was still quiet, Kickl and his two counterparts Horst Seehofer (Germany) and Matteo Salvini (Italy) presented a consensus at a joint press conference.

"I think we all agree that from now on we want to send the clear message to the world – especially smugglers – in the future it will no longer be possible to enter Europe if you have no right to protection, "explained Kickl and asks, as he says," a crisis-resistant asylum policy. "[194559003] Meeting of Ministers of the Interior at Innsbruck: (Source: APA / ORF)

There is still no agreement on the distribution of refugees already in Europe. This will be one of the big stumbling blocks that the ministers of the interior will have to clarify. Since 9:15 the summit is already meeting in Innsbruck. Kickl wants to "get things done quickly", because after all, it is a good "question of fate" for Europe, quoted by the "Tiroler Tageszeitung".

10,000 policemen at the external borders

At a press conference, Mr Kickl said that a concrete goal had been set: by 2020, when the 39, Germany will occupy the EU presidency, a strong Union agreement. "Central points include: improving the protection of external borders and orderly asylum.

L & # 39; European border protection organization Frontex should be mandated and strengthened.The goal is a European border police of 10,000 policemen

"Full Control"

The EU should ensure "full control" and "full protection" of the external borders by 2025, as indicated in a session document namely.

Germany and Italy also pursue a tightening of European migration policy. "The more Europeans succeed, especially at the external border, less national measures are needed, "said Mr Seehofer and warned at the same time that, of course, the opposite applies.

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