14 years burned in the genital area in the genital area – Upper Austria


Apparently, as part of a test of courage wanted on Thursday night, several teenagers burn a 14-year-old teenager with pet hairs in the bad area. The teenager has suffered severe burns, reports the police. Already on Wednesday, the group should buy gasoline and have thought about the test of courage.

During the night, one of the young people agreed to be the center of the test of courage. As the Marchtrenk police call, the 14-year-old young man undressed and put on a piece of meadow. Then he lowered his underpants, so that another youngster could pour the essence.

Another young person lit the gasoline. The 14-year-old has suffered severe burns in the bad area. The police appeal to the people after the crime: young people should be encouraged by their parents to engage in meaningful activities and the young people themselves should not engage in risky trials of courage. The fact that the 14 year old suffers permanent damage is still not clear.

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