150 euros a month: survive yes, but live? – Reader


The declaration of FPO Minister Hartinger-Klein sparked lively discussions among "Today" readers. Can we live in the month of 150 euros? We have collected the best reader comments on the subject in the photo gallery above.


What do you think: Do you leave with 150 euros per month?

This is what readers say "today" about Hartinger-Klein-Sager

PeterKarl: Of course, you can use 150. – Living in the month. Then there is stew every day with potatoes, vegetables and meat. It is kept refrigerated and heated daily for one or two servings. Of course, this is not luxury, but it works.

schurkraid: "Well … it's just the wrong word … with 150 euros you can * survive * but live? Not really. "

Murks: " Social Disintegration? We already have a lot of thieves, thieves, dealers, … when that's done, crime and poverty will flourish like never before. "

Angel66: " The money is better distributed … is yes DA! An impudence this announcement to the Austrians !!!! … we did not deserve! … In fact, should be already introduced a week 30hr, then the minimum hourly wage should be 20 euros net, double child subsidy high, for children born and reported here, as well as Austrian citizens! Rent in subsidized social apartments down by at least 40%! .. The Wiener Linien does not subsidize more or less 50 cents … VAT for food and drinks, Kest, abolish, but alcohol tax, tax on luxury cars, tax on profits! 19659006] Ines "And children?" I pay $ 3.50 a day for my treasure son's food a day, I can not buy him a snack anymore. "Apart from the fact that he needs clothes and At school events, he must stay at home (of course alone, without worry) .Htl-Schüler, who has to go to boarding school, because the way to school is unreasonable , would have consumed his annual allowance (1800) after three months … "

" Annoyed ": " The minister is supposed to deceive me once.This is not even 5 euros a day, to 31 days a month For example, if a person is a smoker, exactly one pack of cigarettes a day goes out.So, these people are completely excluded from society because they can not even afford 1 coffee or worse , a glbad of water outside their home. Bravo Madam Minister, that's how you multiply the s criminals, because they have nothing more than to go steal. And such a woman scolds social minister! These politicians are all strangers to the world.

Karl : "The 150 euros that I used after 3 refuelings to get to my place of work and the other two weeks I had to walk 100 km, or This woman turned out to be incompetent for the post of Minister of Social Affairs and should actually resign now, but there is no long-term policy in EHRGEFÜHL, only greedy money for theirs "

Jutta Müller : "150 euros are enough to get out with 150 euros to make ends meet with all kinds of unique savings No extras – no drugs, no light bulb … For our economy, no income while thousands can not do anything All benefits will once again benefit the real economy! It is obvious that the plan is to further distribute the distribution of wealth among people. I think it is shameful !!! "

Kornelius: " This is not great, but you can get away with it.

Only waste is not. Many employees do not spend 150 euros after deducting all other costs. With a family of 4, it's already 600. If you add the child allowance of 300, it's a thousand. Honestly, so much money does not stay after deducting all the costs of my pension. I prefer to accept the proposal of the Minister of Social Affairs. "

Alex: " Think about it. If all the rest is paid, such as rent, food and clothing, tickets and medicine, then 150 euros is enough. "

Kitty: " It's been a long time that the schilling equivalent of 150 survive, because you can not live on it. Since then I am a vegetarian – the meat does not come out. The food is always somehow, if you can cook, nothing else. Toiletries (soap, shower gel, deodorant, toilet paper, laundry detergent and dish detergent) quickly consume the budget for several days. Shoes are unaffordable and even second-hand clothes are a hole in the budget. There is no longer any participation in social life (no newspaper, no phone, no internet). "

hueher :" You should be ashamed ……. pfui

raised from the social ivory tower speaks an unsuspecting woman who should not be a Minister of Social Affairs, with a salary of 15,000 euros … and how much costs 1 L of milk or 1 kg of bread? I'll tell you … Milk about 0.80, – and bread 4.50, -, only these 2 products cost about 60, – per month !!!! Well, 4 boxes of cornflakes …… results in what? "

Gerlinde :" In Austrian gastronomy can not be heard with 150 euros, but if you buy promotional products at a reduced price, then go C 'is easy. For 1 euro per person I prepare a hot meal and bread from 1 kilo to 75 cents at the Hofer is all week. Of course, I can not buy a slice of bread at 80 ° C, but you must be able to keep a good maintenance. "

Hannelore @ Gerlinde" Please order 10 different recipes, price for each item and where to buy. We can not only survive from 150 euros and not only live, we live in the year 2018 and not in 1978. I do not want to start talking about fruits or vegetables. "[Pauvres] [Pauvres] " It works, especially in a free apartment.

I have to practice this for years! I have 770 months available. I do not have a council apartment, but a rented private apartment. I do not receive alms from the state, such as free life, clothing, television, account, cell phone, GIS, etc. And yes, it works. Not too bad. There is nothing left, but you feel free when you have no possessions and can break your tents at any time. "

YYYY: " When you do not have to pay the rent, the tickets, the food, the clothes and the medical expenses, 150 euros of pocket money per month s & # 39; ; off. "

: " Come years with 150 euros

First of all, I am not an F-elector. My details: Married 3 children, working. Hobby run and read. Cost: way to work 0 Euro – bike (also in winter). No cost lunch + shoes 270 euros per year. Books 0 Euro (library); 1 pair of running shoes, vacation at home (just read and visit the garden or family). Food 380 euros per month for 5 people. Apartment 1.100 euros. So without living around 130 euros a month. If you smoke and drink naturally and want to hunt all the time, there will be more. "

Elisabeth Glück: " Madam Minister should show us. …. How to do when prices continue to rise, for example 2.2% increase in rent. .. monthly increase in costs ….. The pensions are not adjusted …. None of the ladies and gentlemen who decide in Parliament fixed, has an idea …. What the reality looks like. "

Heribert Jäkel: " It's a shame. Foreign reality and discrimination against workers. But even those who make such statements are punished in your life. Sooner or later. "

I :" Minister – Survival, yes! But do not live anymore! "

65 " I think nobody has understood that when asylum seekers receive less, the Austrians do not get any more! Wake up please! "

john: " Fair? With 17,511,50 euros a month, it's easy to laugh, but to judge realistically if you can manage with 150 euros a month only the one who did it in practice. Everything else is not mundane and unrealistic, useless and further favors poverty and crime in Austria, instead of fighting it … "

right: " 150 are still too much, with Free food and Logie! The minimum pensioners who have been paying for years, are not much more! "

Wolven: " Funny …….. Worked for one year as a painter at a BFI measurement and also got only 150 and got "

Sabine: " Uuunfaaabadssbar this statement … was 20 years old single mom .. it's amazing how much most people are idle or ignorant … especially those who are our taxpayers manage, throw in for incredible insanity and even have wages oversized that they decide for themselves .. incredible that arrogance and strangeness .. "

anna euphelia: " Who must power! I had to come more often with 4 kids with 5 euros on weekends. Nobody helped me … and there was still the SPÖ, the ruling party. But it would still be good if the minister goes through it for two or three months … "

Raggamuffin :" tzzz … well that's what I want to see … c & # Is the stupidest statement I made then she should do it for a month … what does she want to eat and drink at 5 euros ??? Every day of Clever pizza and iced tea? Unfortunately, I have spent so much time and it is certainly not nice … at 5 euros you can not afford to wear clothes or anything else and to How does a family with children live ??? … abnormal in what world our politicians live … "

EH1955: " Attention! Bunkert already one. If the crowds are starving and have to steal the next meal, then God bless you. Finally, stop looting the population. "

Speedy: " If the dwelling is paid with heating and electricity, GIS, household insurance, tuition and alimony, it will result. No car, no phone, just a bike for shopping that works, but what is this life? An individual is stunted without social contact. "

Toni: " Received on 4 months only 490, – from the AMS because I got married and my wife wins 1000, – net. Thanks to a modification of the law, which we owe to SPÖ FPÖ and NEOS, I recover the complete emergency help. It is almost impossible to exist as a couple of 1490, because life is not. Unfortunately, I do not have a job because I'm 57 years old and my last company went bankrupt. "

berry: 150 euros are enough to live … but certainly not in Austria."

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