20 minutes – Trump and Putin now have a couple name


The American magazine "Time" merged US President Donald Trump with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the cover of the latest issue. Trump's hair is blond, combed and tanned skin. At the same time, Putin's blue eyes and thin lips come


What do you think about the cover of "Time"?

Trump and Putin meet in Helsinki

The new cover of TIME: Trump wanted a summit with Putin. He got a lot more than he negotiated for https://t.co/sUu9gGKmmP pic.twitter.com/qq6iOjlis1

– TIME (@TIME) 19. July 2018

The latest issue of "Time" discusses the Helsinki summit last Monday. And stresses that Trump has been criticized for submitting to Putin.

Internet celebrates the image of the merged presidents. And users have already determined a couple's name for Trump and Putin: "Donimir Trutin".


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