200 mass graves discovered in ancient areas of the Islamic State


According to UN figures, more than 200 mbad graves containing the bodies of nearly 12,000 victims of the extremist group have been discovered in the former territories of the jihadist militia of the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq .

The UN Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) called on the Iraqi authorities in a report presented Tuesday to completely demolish sites to give families a certainty about the fate of their loved ones.

"Horrible human losses"

"The mbad graves documented in our report bear witness to terrible human losses, suffering and shocking cruelty," said United Nations envoy to Iraq Jan Kubis. For loved ones, it is important that funerals have some certainty about the circumstances of death. The mbad graves could also help deal with the crimes of the IS.

Of the 202 mbad graves discovered, only 28 were searched and more than 1,250 were exhumed in the UN report. The militia of the Islamic State had conquered vast areas of Iraq in 2014 and killed thousands of police, soldiers and civilians. After fierce fighting, the Iraqi army and Kurdish and Shiite allied militias managed to take over all regions with international support last year.

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