47 dead in a collision of two buses in Zimbabwe


Harare (APA / AFP) – Zimbabwe has killed at least 47 people in the collision of two long-distance buses. According to the police, the two buses collided Wednesday on the route between the capital Harare and Rusape in the east of the country.

Among the victims were two children, reported the state newspaper "The Herald" in the Twitter short message service. The photos of the disaster were too "cruel" to be published, the newspaper continues. The morgue of Rusape Hospital is therefore completely overpopulated, which is why some victims were taken to the premises of a funeral home.

Deputy Minister of Transport Fortune Chasi regretted this "unnecessary loss of life" and promised "strict measures" to enhance road safety.

In Zimbabwe, there are still serious accidents. Many roads are full of potholes because they have not been maintained for years. The highway on which the two buses collided has recently received a new surface.

In June 2017, 43 people lost their lives in a bus crash in the north of the country while they were traveling to Zambia, their neighbor.

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