48 year old beekeeper killed in an accident «kleinezeitung.at


Kleine Zeitung +

The man from Matrei wanted to see Saturday after his bees. He slipped on a rain-soaked wooden platform and crashed 15 feet. The sister found the man lifeless.

21.30, 23 July 2018

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  48 years old is crushed in Holzpodest and died
48 years fell from wooden platform and died © KLZ / Eder

There is great concern in Matrei municipality: A 48-year-old man died in a tragic fatal accident. The accident occurred only about 70 meters from his parents' home. The Matrei man had started Saturday around 3:30 pm to multiply. On the way back, the worker wanted to see for his hives, which are installed on a wooden platform. The 48-year-old man slipped on the podium soaked in rain and fell 15 meters higher on a steep and partly rocky terrain.

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