480 kilograms of cannabis sold: lawsuit against a drug gang


480 kilograms of cannabis sold: lawsuit against a drug gang

LINZ. In three years, a drug gang smuggled and sold nearly half a ton of cannabis to Upper Austria. Today, Tuesday, a young man of 31 years and two young people appear in court.

(Icon) Image: Daniel Scharinger

This Afghan, 31, called himself "the boss". For three years, he built his network. According to investigators, the hard core of the drug network made up of other Afghans and a Turk, reports the ORF online. Hundreds of kilograms of marijuana were smuggled from the Czech Republic to Upper Austria and placed in an apartment south of Linz.

The drug gang leader had set up a real network of companies, according to an investigator from Linz. The new operators have in part received advances of 3,000 euros in cash. A total of 480 kilograms of cannabis has gone from 4.8 million euros to the street.

For months, Czech and Austrian investigators were determined until the gang could be discovered. The lawsuit concerns "the boss" and two young Afghans. 26 other dealers and 90 customers were explored. The three main defendants, all three in detention, face 15 years in prison.

The verdict is expected for Tuesday, but perhaps only at night.

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