51 year old tried to burn his ex-girlfriend – Styria


A 51-year-old man is suspected Monday morning, July 16, 2018, of having watered his ex-girlfriend with gasoline. An Anzündeversuch failed, after which the 51-year-old man poured himself out with gasoline and ignited it. He suffered life-threatening injuries.

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The 51-year-old man probably entered the night of July 16, 2018 in the apartment of his former 51-year-old partner. However, it was not at home right now.

When the woman returned home around 9:00 am, the suspect lured her into a storage room, held her by the hair and poured gasoline on her. . After the 51-year-old may have tried several times to ignite the gasoline.

However, the lighter failed, according to the information of the victim. The woman was able to detach and flee.

The man may have been bathed with gasoline and ignited. The 51-year-old man ran outdoors with a burning upper body where pbaders-by could extinguish it with fire extinguishers.

The man was seriously injured and was taken to LKH Graz by the rescue helicopter crew. The 51 year old man was not injured.

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