"Iran is thirsty for European culture"


  a man on a balcony in front of Paradeplatz

Philippe Welti was former Swiss ambbadador to Tehran

(Joseph Kakshouri / Schweizer Illustrierte)

Almost no one knows about it. Iran better than Philippe Welti. The former ambbadador to Tehran finds Trump's departure from Iran unheard of. Switzerland must react culturally, he recently said in an interview with Schweizer Illustrierte.

The art of telling stories is very prevalent in the East. The former Swiss ambbadador to Iran, Philippe Welti, 69, also has this gift. He takes off, goes back far. "My family always says," Shut up! "If I mislead, I'm sorry – but I promise I'll do it again," he laughs.

Mr. Welti, when were you last in Iran?

In February President of the Swiss-Iran Chamber of Commerce, at the first meeting of the Joint Committee. It was a very good meeting

What was it?

On the implementation of the trade agreement with Switzerland – the creation of which I was involved. A funny reminder! When I was skiing in Switzerland during my ambbadador in 2005, I received a phone from Bern. I should go see Minister of the Economy Joseph Deiss – by the way, the media has always underestimated! It was about this contract with Iran. He asked me if he was to sign it

  Iranian President

Iranian President Hbadan Rouhani speaks to Tehran on May 21, 2018.

[EPA iranien présidentiel]



There was an internal resistance to the signature. I recommended "Sign", which he obviously had in mind. Because of the sanctions against Iran, the contract then disappeared in the drawer. After its repeal in 2016, it was finally ratified. One thing is clear: Iran is interested in trading with Switzerland

Difficult situation in Iran

Last Monday, in protest against the collapse of the Iranian currency, all the shops of Tehran's Grand Bazaar were closed. There were riots.

Iranians are doing bad business. The economic recovery expected after the lifting of sanctions following the 2015 nuclear agreement has not materialized. The current US exit from the nuclear deal causes great insecurity in the population. The United States wants to remove Iran's largest source of revenue with a total embargo on oil external link . This could plunge the country into a serious crisis.

That is why President Hbadan Rohani, considered moderate, is under pressure. The Hardliners are calling for new elections. There is even speculation about a possible putsch of the government elected by the Revolutionary Guard.

Source: SRF External Link and Cash External Link

Infobox End

Now has US President Donald Trump terminated the nuclear deal with the United States. Iran and reimposed sanctions against the country. What does it mean?

The ruling bans and punishes business with Iran. Its address to the world – but especially to the European signatories of the agreement: Britain, France, Germany and the EU.

With his decision, Trump wants to show: We rule the world. The purpose of its sanctions is to economically isolate Iran. Who does not participate, will be punished. It's a scandalous apprehension! 150 years ago, this provocation would have been equivalent to a declaration of war.

Trump claims that Iran secretly builds a nuclear bomb

The International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed that Iran was freezing the program. That's the lesson for Kim Jong-a: If you have the bomb, you're unpopular, but the earth is not attacked. That's why Kim Jong-Un will never disarm North Korea.

From 2004 to 2008, you were ambbadador of Switzerland in Iran. What memories do you have?

Very good! I have lived in a beautiful residence in Tehran, which unfortunately does not exist today. Sanctions have made Iran economically worse and worse. Unlike North Korea, Iranians know the world. They felt that they were excluded.

President Rohani knew in his first election in 2013: I have to make people feel better. I can not do it without sanctions. And these only fall with concessions in the nuclear field. Have you cooperated with this historic nuclear agreement?

At first I arranged the talks between then Secretary of State Michael Ambühl on behalf of Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey and the negotiating delegation Iranian and accompanied.

The role of Switzerland has always been special. Because of American interests – not because of nuclear! Certainly, the Swiss reflex was: There is a conflict here, we want to help defuse it. But the Americans wanted the conflict. They wanted more and more sanctions

  Protesters protestors

Protesters protestors at the Tehran bazaar

(APA, Iranian Labor Press Agency, ILNA)

Until Obama came to put it in 2015 for the nuclear agreement [1599027]

Yes, but it was after my time!

How did the agreement change the country?

There has already been some relaxation. In the street image for example. Women who take more relaxed dress codes. In addition, the feeling of people has changed. Many of my friends said: Things are getting easier now.

Iranian President Hbadan Rohani in Switzerland

At the invitation of the Swiss Federal Council, the Iranian President visits Switzerland today and tomorrow, Tuesday. According to a statement by the Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), relations between Switzerland and Iran external link have deepened in recent years and both sides aim to continue this positive development in the future.

On Tuesday, Federal President Alain Berset, Federal Council Vice-President Ueli Maurer, Federal Councilor Simonetta Sommaruga and Federal Councilor Johann Schneider-Ammann will take part in the official talks

The visit focuses on developments the most recent regarding the Iranian nuclear deal. Protecting Mandates of Power – Switzerland has represented US interests in Iran since 1980, and recently, Iranian interests in Saudi Arabia and vice versa – will also be discussed. According to EDA, the question of how bilateral relations can be developed for the reintroduction of US sanctions on Iran.

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Why are you campaigning for a country whose Mullah regime is arresting critics and suppressing any freedom on the Internet

I am defending 80 million people with a 2,500 year old who is very gracious and close to us mentally and culturally.

How close is it?

Iranians are an Indo-European people in a non-Indo-European environment. You can only see this in their Farsi language. They recognize tribes and Indo-European purposes. Iranians love Europe and think European. But unfortunately, they also love America

Although the United States treat them like this?

It's the grotesque. On one side, you have a nation that dreams of America day and night. On the other hand, you have a government that cultivates anti-American rhetoric. In the rest of the East, America is frowned upon, but the regimes are allied with the United States

Does the Trump strike strengthen the mullahs in Iran?

The mosques are almost empty. Under the mullahs' regime, people have become more secular than ever.

What do you think of Swiss entrepreneurs who are active in Iran?

If they wanted to protect their American companies from Trump, they should they leave the trade with Iran

The 120 trains of Peter Spuhler's Stadler Rail can no longer be delivered to Tehran

I do not know what Peter Spuhler does. He could do without the case with the United States. However, he also built a plant there. He is particularly touched. In reality, only companies have a chance that does not have to choose between the US market and the Iranian market. And we are not many here

Should not the economics ministers Johann Schneider-Ammann and Foreign Minister Ignazio Cbadis intervene with Trump now?

The Swiss export industry has no design freedom at the moment. Eyes remain on the next steps of European governments and the EU. But it would be a mistake if the Federal Council did nothing and stopped cultivating bilateral relations with Iran

Can Switzerland give a cultural example in Iran?

Iran is thirsty for European culture. Culturally, Switzerland can offer a lot of inspiration. It's good to be an ambbadador to Iran to take cultural initiatives; I've been able to do a lot. When I organized an event in Iran, everyone came and took the cousin with me. Although all arrive an hour late, but they came

Then the Minister of Culture Alain Berset should go to Iran!

He could at least encourage cultural workers to do something. Incidentally, this also applies to science. Once again, there are many links with Iran. However, scientific cooperation is coming to an end, where IBM is telling Iranian students in Switzerland, they are not allowed to use a high-tech lab. Everything under the psychotic attitude: whoever clashes with the laboratory goes out and builds a nuclear weapon

Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia: The Middle East is a powder keg. It scares people, even in Switzerland.

Trump's decision has greatly aggravated the situation in the Middle East. So he keeps alive a terrorist tank. Everyone must be afraid. Even the Americans. In the short term, those affected by the sanctions are losers. In the long run, America pays a price

Which one is it?

There is no country as contractual as the United States, there is no such unreliable alliance partner as the United States. It's a lesson for the world. Kim Jong-a will also remember. This is why Europeans must reinvent themselves in strategic thinking

What does Switzerland have for a reputation in Iran?

Great! We have the nicest people, the best machines, the best science, we are the most generous. We are a dream country

Although we represent American interests in Iran since 1980

Yes, the government is very happy that Switzerland represents these interests!

Maybe this role makes Trump turn a blind eye to Switzerland?

No, I do not think so.

Schweizer Illustrierte

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