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Second Reference
Respondent Number Six is the chief of the acclaimed intelligence of BAT ,
Bernhard P. A "second remand " must be pronounced against him.
"We have heard about it, but we still have nothing official about it," says his defender.
Otto Dietrich at the COURIER. "The Interior Ministry is apparently desperate to justify mbadive action against its own officials." The first reference was pronounced too late, according to Dietrich . But P. has another problem. At the search for home address on February 28, at his home disk and a BMI laptop were secured. These were released at the end of May by the prosecutor . But P. did not receive his record at the moment. In fact, the prosecutor contacted BVT . The Legal Service of the BVT "asked not to perform a record and claimed to have a record and a laptop computer …) data from IMC could be stored ". The service laptop has been selected.
Second Reference
Information Officer Number Six is the acclaimed chief of intelligence of BAT ,
Bernhard P. A "second remand " must be pronounced against him.
"We have heard about it, but we still have nothing official about it," says his defender.
Otto Dietrich at the COURIER. "The Interior Ministry is apparently desperate to justify mbadive action against its own officials." The first reference was pronounced too late, according to Dietrich . But P. has another problem. At the search for home address on February 28, at his home disk and a BMI laptop were secured. These were released at the end of May by the prosecutor . But P. did not receive his record at the moment. In fact, the prosecutor contacted BVT . The Legal Service of the BVT "asked not to perform a record and claimed to have a record and a laptop computer …) data from IMC could be stored ". The service laptop has been preserved.