European Parliament slows reform of copyright


Instead, parliament should review the project in September. Members could then reject it completely. On Thursday, 318 deputies voted against the bill and 278 for it.

In Germany, many politicians and entrepreneurs are happy with this decision. Tankred Schipanski, spokesman for the union for digital affairs, told Handelsblatt that it was "good news" that the reform of the European Parliament's copyright law was initially stopped. "As a digital politician, I take for granted that creators and creators receive fair and equitable remuneration for their work," Schipanski said.

But on the way, the right remedy is decisive. "I have big doubts about the proportionality of the download filters, and the accessory author right should first be checked for its effectiveness in Germany before being deployed across the board. Europe, "he said.

This is the only way to ensure that errors are avoided and that effective framework conditions are created. The SPD also welcomes the decision of the European Parliament. The download filters have created a "highly problematic infrastructure" and endangered freedom of expression, said Jens Zimmermann, spokesperson for the SPD faction's network policy.

One of the reform proposals is that online platforms such as YouTube will need to check if they are protected by copyright when downloading content. Technically possible make the download filter, a special software, Internet companies still use today, to let the terrorist content not even on the net. Because, for example, when a video or photo is on the Internet, it is very difficult to remove it completely.

Up to now, platform operators are only required to remove Internet content from the copyright. take after being notified.

Critics see the plans of the European Commission as a danger to the free Internet. CDU, CSU and SPD had agreed in their coalition negotiations of a common position against the download filter. The coalition agreement states: "We refuse to require platforms to use download filters to" filter "content downloaded by users for content violating copyright."

In addition, the reform of copyright is reversed the introduction of an incidental copyright law (LSR) in the EU. After that, platforms like Google should no longer be allowed to post titles or clippings in the future. They would need a permit and should pay if necessary.

The Internet industry has welcomed the temporary halt of copyright reform. Oliver Süme, CEO of the Association of Internet Economy Eco called the vote "a victory for freedom of expression in the network and a significant rejection of harmful and destructive regulations such as download filter and rights

between politicians: While politicians have spoken out in favor of the new measures, digital politicians vehemently opposed it. A vote in the European Parliament's Legal Affairs Committee had initially failed for the download filters.

The debate was extremely lively. Axel Voss (CDU), European Parliament rapporteur for the issue, Thursday criticized Internet companies for an "unprecedented campaign" that companies "spread false beliefs disseminated over alleged Internet censorship ". It was now time to rephrase the debate until the vote in plenary in September. "We can not legalize cultural theft on the Internet," says Voss.

SPD Europe delegate Udo Bullmann said Thursday that some parliamentarians have been seriously threatened in recent days. "It's totally unacceptable," Bullmann said. He called on all participants to re-objectify sound

With dpa material.

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