The German church builds a digital bell bag – News


Here is what the collection looks like in the 21st century with regard to the Evangelical Church Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesia-Upper Lusatia (EKBO). She has now registered with the German Patent and Trademark Office a digital bell bag.

It looks like a clbadic bell bag, just a little more modern. So you can continue to give your little change, but also pay without contact with ATM or credit card.

The idea of ​​this solution had the head of the computer department of the consistory in Berlin, Fabian Kraetschmer: "There were two drivers for development On the one hand, the increasing importance of payments Without cash in society and the growing difficulties in transferring liquidity to banks, particularly in rural areas, pose considerable challenges: long routes to collection points, travel expenses, filing fees and administration. "


Everything was developed – especially with regard to electronic security – with the Evangelische Bank and other companies in the computer industry. At the next meeting of the regional church in the fall, they want to address in more detail the use of the invention and make it accessible throughout Germany.

In addition, the development of a national collection application and stations for donations without money. Stay informed with's newsletter

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