These 12 boys need a miracle


Bangkok. For more than two weeks, the 12 footballers and their coach are already stuck in the Tham Luang cave. Your rescue is becoming more of a race against the clock. For diving, children aged 11 to 16 are not ready yet – everyone is extremely weak, some do not even know how to swim. In addition, even the elite divers of the Navy Seals of Thailand would take up to six hours for the risky path through the black and winding cavern. A specialist died Friday – AUSTRIA reported.

The football team trapped in the cave

Nattawut Takamsai (14), nickname "Tie" (left) and Chanin Wiboonrungrueng, at 11 years of the youngest (right).

Pipat Bodhi (15) came only as a friend (left) and Duang Promthep (13), the captain of the team (right).

Peerapat Sompiangjai (16), nickname "Night" (left) and Ekkarat Wongsookchan (14), the goalkeeper (right)

Adul Sam-on (14), asked the divers for food (left) and Prajak Sutham (14), nickname "Note" (right).

Phanumas Saengdee (13), Nickname "Mick" (left) and Pornchai Kamluang (16), the oldest in the cave (right).

Sompong Jaiwong (13), big fan of England (left) and Mongkol Boonpiam (14), still new in the team (right).



The football team trapped in a cave

The rain falls dramatically

Monsoon. To this is added the monsoon. Partially strong rains have been reported for the weekend, which could further increase the water in the cave. Any attempt to pump water would then have no chance. Even more than a hundred holes have not yet yielded the expected results.

The first prisoners are apparently already sick

Hygiene. The more children and their 25-year-old coach persevere in the cave, the more dangerous the hygiene conditions become. According to media reports, two of the children and their caregivers already show signs of infection.

The problem: Not all 13 are confined in a confined space, they must also relieve themselves. The spread of bacteria, viruses and fungi is largely open in the face of these appalling conditions.

Danger. Even with the best of health, the path would be a test. Almost five kilometers must be controlled. All in total darkness, more than 500 meters away, in life – threatening dives, which even pose enormous challenges to the experts. The most delicate place even had to be drilled. The Navy Seals still had to take their oxygen bottles under the water to pbad through.

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Underground drama: "Psychic catastrophe"

The rescue must now go as fast as possible

Rescue. While detainees lack oxygen – the level of oxygen in the cave has dropped from 20 to 15%, the window seems to be closing.

"We hope to implement one of our rescue plans in the next three or four days," said Provincial Governor Narongsak Osottanakorn, in addition to the holes, but only the risky dive. namely children and coaches until the end of the rainy season in the cave.Then they could go to freedom on foot.That they survive a long time before, it is debatable.

  graphic cave Thailand Tham Luang

"Looking in exhausted and tired faces"

Jan Frederik Langshausen, reporter of "Bild" in the interview AUSTRIA:

[19659023] AUSTRIA: What's Happening on the Ground?

Jan Frederik Langshausen: You look in exhausted and tired faces, they are at the end of their powers, there is also a sense of hopelessness It's a crazy drama and there's still no room for it And now the monsoon threatens again. Everyone looks up to the sky and worries.

AUSTRIA: Is everything possible?

Langshausen: Strengths, helpers, divers – all work day and night, giving everything. But we wonder how it is well planned. You must also use them correctly. Of course, there is a doubt when there is no good news.

AUSTRIA: Hope or despair

Langshausen: When the children were found, the mood was very, very positive. But that has changed, you can see it on faces. The parents talked a lot, now they have empty looks, speak a little. It can be seen that the working groups also have considerable doubts.

 Thailand Navy Cave Children

New Hope: Specialists Drill Wells

It's a Race Against Time: You Try also save children from "above."

Chiang Rai. Nothing should be neglected: the experts drilled 100 wells in the mountains. Hope lives, that we reach the children in this way perhaps faster than by the cave itself.

But the high number of attempts already shows: One did not put the exercise in the right place. "The holes in the mountain reach 400 meters deep," said the chief of the Narongsak Osottanakorn rescue operation, "the exact location of the boys has not yet been found."

The cave is barely measured unrealistic

. Rescuers rescued miners buried in Chile in 2010 via a newly drilled well. They spent 69 days in a small shelter 700 meters deep. The big difference with this case: "There is hardly any geological data here.In the case of the Chilean mine, the basement was fully inspected and the hole was therefore largely free of surprises. , rescue services could use a complete set of data for their needs, "says geo-scientist Suttisak Soralump of Kasetsart University in Bangkok.


             Video on the subject
Cave drama: boys write letters

"Do not worry": Moving letter of the cave

Everyone worries about them To calm the outside world.

Chiang Rai. The children gave the letter to a rescue diver. Now, it creates a feeling of goosebumps all over the world: "Do not worry, we are all strong," the text is on the Facebook page of the Thai Navy Seals special unit.

"We want to get home as quickly as possible," says Blue Kuli ink on a checkbook. Each of the 12 boys addressed personal words to his girlfriend: "I'm fine, it's a little cold, but do not worry. Do not forget to prepare my birthday party, "she says. Or, "When we go out, we want to eat a lot of things."

Ekkapol Chantawong, the football coach who led the troupe in the cave, apologizes directly to his parents in his letter: "All children leave it is always good I promise to take care of her very well. "


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