Kindergarten: Strache wants to ban the headscarf |


Kindergarten: Strache wants to ban the headscarf

VIENNA. In the summer, he wants to be in agreement with the countries.

The federal government is trying to implement the ban on the headscarf already announced in primary schools and kindergartens now at least initially in the children's gardens. Since these are country issues, we need a 15a agreement with the federal states. Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache (FP) announced this weekend that he wanted to reach an agreement in this regard in the summer.

We want to protect children from symbols and clothes that would have a negative influence on their development in childhood. Strache's office. The ban on headscarves in children's gardens will allow girls to have a self-determined and equal life in Austria. "The headscarf is clearly an expression of political Islam, which we want and need to push back the influence in Austria," says Strache

. Positive signals come from Upper Austria: "Every step that eliminates discrimination in childhood and girls Provincial Councilor Christine Haberlander (VP)

SPÖ refers to Strache's plan as a distraction maneuver to avoid debate on the 12-hour day According to SPÖ Federal Director Max Lercher, no one wants girls to wear a headscarf, but this problem can affect 50 girls in Austria

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