Workers rescued from Vienna after a storm: men at the hospital – Vienna Aktuell


10.07.2018 17:09

(Law 10.07.2018 21:05)

  Not only men but also their vehicles fled.

Not only men, but also their vehicles are gone
© APA / LPD Vienna

Tuesday afternoon, three workers from the Wienfluss basin were surprised and aborted by the tide of a downpour . They had to be transported to the hospital after being rescued.

The three workers rescued from the Wien River basin after a storm were taken to the hospital. For security, Andreas Huber, spokesman for the Viennese professional rescue, told APA: The men of 27, 38 and 59 years were slightly undercooled, but apparently good.

Worker after rescuing the Wienfluss Basin at the hospital

"We looked after him then brought to the hospital," says Huber. One of the workers took charge of the rescuers on a wall near the Wien River, where he had been found, the other two on the bridge near Urania

The men were surprised when they were walking

According to Gerald Schimpf, President of the Viennese Professional Fire Brigade, employed in the underground part under the city park and were surprised. Their machines, two minibuses and an elevator were hunted. According to Daniel Fürst, spokesman for the Vienna police, a radio crew accidentally observed what was happening and started the rescue chain.

According to von Schimpf, professional firefighters have secured at least two workers on lifebuoys. The third is likely to have stuck to a wall part. At the same time, each of the mission's divers was roped, offering additional protection. A worker was taken out of the water with a rope, the others with boats.

Two vehicles already out of the water

According to Schimpf, two of the vehicles were removed from the water in the early evening. For the third, the one with the lift, a bigger crane and a barrier of the Schallautzerstraße were needed, so that the recovery of the vehicle should take place later in the evening.

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